Wax that appears in the ears is normal - it protects the ear canal and eardrum. Sometimes, however, excess secretions clog the ear and cause hearing impairment. The plug in the ear can be removed using home remedies. Sometimes the help of an ENT specialist is necessary. The color of the earwax is also important. A greenish or tinted blood may indicate an illness.
Earwax is necessary for the proper functioning of the ears. Thanks to it, the ear canals and eardrum have additional protection. Check when the color and appearance of the earwax should be a concern. This does not always indicate an illness, but in some cases the appearance of earwax should prompt you to see a doctor.
Why do we need earwax in our ears?
The semi-fluid discharge that forms in the ears is normal. It protects the skin in the ear canal and the eardrum. It's a mixture of the secretions of the sebaceous and wax glands. There are also fragments of the exfoliated epidermis lining the ear canal.
Wax provides adequate moisture and lubrication. It is secreted only in the outer part of the ear. Over time, it clumps, sticks to all impurities and dead skin cells, then dries up and flows out. She is helped by the right shape of the ear and … our jaw movements when we talk, eat.
What color is he althy earwax?
The color and appearance of earwax in the ears are the result of several factors. It depends on our genes, the passage of time (freshly produced earwax is light and darkens with time) and he alth. Children tend to have a soft, light-colored earwax, while adults have a darker and harder earwax.
In general, he althy earwax is white to yellow-yellow-brown in color. A dark orange or brown color indicates that the earwax is old. Then it also becomes sticky and sometimes hardens.
The gray color of the earwax usually indicates that a lot of dust and debris has stuck to the earwax and stuck to the sticky earwax. Over time, old earwax can even turn black.
Disturbing earwax color
The indication for an urgent visit to the doctor is leakage of yellow, mucous, serous or bloody discharge from the ear, especially if it persists for several days and is accompanied byfever and hearing impairment.
You should also see a doctor if the color and / or smell of the earwax changes. An unpleasant-smelling yellow or even green earwax usually indicates an advanced ear infection. On the other hand, earwax stained with blood may indicate that there is a wound in the ear canal or a rupture of the eardrum.
Where does the excess earwax come from?
He althy ears are self-cleaning and secretions should not be removed. For the majority of people who produce the optimal amount of earwax on a regular basis, it is not a problem and does not require special hygiene measures.
There are situations that result in increased production of earwax.
- Cleaning the ears with a cotton swab . Although doctors keep telling you not to do this, many people clean their ears with a stick and remove any secretions after bathing or washing their head. Therefore, there may be more of it over time. It also happens that instead of removing the earwax, we push it deeper. Plus, by inserting the stick deep into your ear, you risk damaging your skin or eardrum.
- Heavy sweatingincreases earwax production, as does stress. Again, earwax can build up and block the ear canal.
- Working in difficult conditions . The reason for the excessive production of earwax by the body, and sometimes even ear congestion, may also be frequent stay in dusty rooms. When working in such conditions, it is worth using protective headphones or earplugs.
How to properly clean your ears?
Proper ear hygiene consists in washing them with soap and water. Cotton buds can only be used to clean the auricle (to the mouth of the ear canal). People who have problems with the accumulation of earwax in the ears can use special preparations for daily hygiene procedures that dissolve earwax and prevent its re-accumulation. These types of agents only work superficially - they bring the earwax to the edge of the ear canal, from where it is easy to remove with a tissue or cotton bud.
Seniors, hearing aid users and people who have had a wax plug removed in the past can prophylactically use topical earwax dissolving agents.
When is the wax plug formed?
When earwax builds up in the ear, a wax plug is formed. Obstruction of 80% of the diameter of the ear canal with a wax plug can cause earache. Obstruction of the ear often occurs after swimming in a pool or other reservoiraquatic. Water that enters the ear canal causes it to soften and increase the volume of the earwax plug.
Symptoms of ear plugs are:
- earache
- tinnitus
- feeling of fullness in the ear
- Hearing loss or malfunction of the hearing aid
- dizziness
- cough
- ear itching
How do I remove the earwax plug?
A obstruction in the ear canal is not harmful to your he alth, but it is a serious discomfort. Remaining earwax plug can lead to inflammation of the skin of the ear canal. Therefore, the earwax plug must be removed.
- Home remedies.You can try to remove the spigot yourself. At the pharmacy, you can buy special drops or sprays that soften the secretion without a prescription.
- Doctor's help.When the home remedy does not help, you need to see an ENT specialist who will perform ear irrigation (irrigation). The procedure consists in introducing lukewarm (approx. 37 ° C) water into the ear under low pressure. The procedure itself is painless, you can only feel a slight tickling.
Sometimes, when the doctor suspects simultaneous otitis or perforation of the eardrum, the earwax is removed with a special hook, mammal, loop, spoon. He does it slowly and very carefully so that the ear canal is not damaged, which increases the risk of complications (infection).
Clogged ear due to runny nose
The feeling of obstruction in the ears is often accompanied by a severe runny nose, because the swelling of the nasal mucosa can spread to the ear canals, the so-called Eustachian tubes that connect the ears to the nose. As a result, these lines close. If the runny nose is repeated frequently, if left untreated, the eustachian tube may become permanently obstructed or even become inflamed. Fluid builds up in the ear, followed by a thick discharge, which gives it a feeling of being full and clogged. This situation requires medical attention. Sometimes nasal drops help to reduce the swelling of the mucosa. however, sometimes surgery may be necessary. It involves cutting the eardrum and removing the fluid from the ear.
Keep your ears dry
Too high a level of moisture can make it easier for bacteria to penetrate into the ear canal, and hence a straight path to very annoying infections, including the infamous "swimmer's ear". To avoid unpleasantness, always dry your ears gently with the towel after each bath or swim. If a person feels water splashing inside one of their ears, they may tilt their head to that side and pull slightlybehind the auricle, which will help the water get out. People who swim frequently can use special earplugs: universal or custom-made.