The meadowsweet (filipendula ulmaria) is otherwise known as a marsh tawula, a meadow tawula, a mud sprinkler, the queen of meadows or a goat's beard. In Poland, this very common plant can be found most often in fertile, wet meadows, marshy areas, on the banks of water and in drainage ditches. Meadowsweet shows many properties. The main raw material is flowers, which can be used to make an infusion or medicinal tincture.

Meadowsweetis a perennial belonging to the rose family, that is, the same as e.g. hawthorn, tawuła, wild rose, as well as wild strawberry or quince. She comes from regions with a cool climate, so even significant drops and fluctuations in temperature do not pose a major threat to her.

Meadowsweet grows best in fertile soils in a semi-shaded and moist position. In the sun, it will only grow if the soil is sufficiently moist. In Poland, it is a common plant, its flowers are collected for medicinal purposes, but the herb, leaf and rhizome along with the roots are also used. Leaves and herbs should be harvested from May to July, flowers - from June to mid-August, and rhizomes - in spring, late summer or fall.

The collected raw material should be loosely spread on paper or gathered in bundles and hung, for example, from the ceiling - dried at about 30 ºC in a dry, dark and airy place.

Meadowsweet - healing properties

The herbal raw material is the already mentionedflowers , which after drying have the following properties:

  • painkillers
  • anti-inflammatory
  • diaphoretic
  • diuretic
  • detoxifying
  • antipyretic

The dried meadowsweet flowers are used to prepare extracts, decoctions and herbal teas that should be drunk during infections (flu or colds), rheumatic diseases or gastrointestinal diseases. It is also known to be used on skin diseases, acne, ulcers or even difficult to heal wounds.

Medicinal properties of meadowsweet owes to:

  • tannins (anti-inflammatory and antibacterial)
  • essential oils
  • derivative of salicylic acid
  • flavonoid
  • mineral s alts
  • phenolic glycoside
  • to acidsorganic
  • vanilla
  • meadowsweet flower pollen contains vitamins: B1, B2, C and E
  • phenolic compounds (coumaric acid, quercetin derivatives)
  • routine - seals blood vessels and prevents the formation of an enzyme that destroys vitamin C, thanks to which it protects it and prolongs its activity

Research has shown that water extracts of meadowsweet inhibit the growth of staphylococcus aureus bacteria - bacteria found in the nasopharynx and on the skin of humans and animals. Human staphylococcal infection can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, drop in blood pressure, shock, and even death. Golden staphylococcus also causes purulent infections of the skin, subcutaneous tissues and soft tissues. However, in the event of an infection, see a doctor, as staphylococci is treated with an antibiotic.

Meadowsweet - application

Infusions of meadowsweet flowers are used as an aid in colds, as they act diaphoretic and reduce fever, as well as in the treatment of chronic progressive rheumatoid arthritis - mainly in the elderly, as well as joint and muscle pains of other causes.

Thanks to the presence of flavonoids, meadowsweet flowers have a choleretic and diuretic effect, they can be used in the case of diarrhea and edema. Patients with renal impairment can benefit from their effects.

Meadowsweet is also used in difficulties with digestion and absorption of food - it is a herb recommended for:

  • gastritis and ulcers
  • heartburn
  • acidity
  • nausea

It should also be remembered that it can aid digestion and remove harmful waste products from the body. That is why it is recommended for people who want to lose weight.

Meadowsweet in cosmetics

Meadowsweet has also found application in the cosmetics industry. It is used in shampoos and conditioners for hair prone to oiliness and hair loss. Meadowsweet has astringent, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and soothing properties. Thanks to these properties, it can be used by people with acne-prone skin, oily skin and combination skin. Preparations based on meadowsweet prevent discoloration.

Meadowsweet can also be used in aromatherapy - a bath with the addition of this plant extract has a relaxing, relaxing and calming effect. It has a light, pleasantly almond scent.

Meadowsweet - infusion and tincture

The recipe for meadowsweet infusion is simple - pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of flowers and let it brew, covered, for 15 minutes. The infusion can be drunk 3 times a day -yes, the whole brewed glass should be divided into three ports.

The meadowsweet flower tincture is made on the basis of freshly picked flowers, which are poured with alcohol (70%) and set aside for 14 days in a dark place. The tincture should be stirred every day. After 14 days, the tincture is strained and poured into dark glass bottles. It can be used as an addition to tea, it perfectly warms the body.

Meadowsweet side effects

Meadowsweet can cause allergic reactions - rash, asthma symptoms, digestive system disorders. In the event of their occurrence, discontinue use of the preparation and seek medical advice.

Meadowsweet - contraindications

Meadowsweet should not be used by patients allergic to salicylates, children under 12 years of age, pregnant and breastfeeding women. Be careful when using it together with anticoagulants, as meadowsweet increases their effect, which can cause bleeding.

C Loam - interesting facts

  • Salicylate is said to be the first time isolated from meadowsweet, and not from willow, as most believe ( although scientists here are divided).
  • Meadow flowers were previously added to mead, they were used as a spice.
  • A light, insect-attracting scent is a characteristic feature of meadowsweet flowers. Thanks to this smell, insects pollinate the flowers, but the plant does not produce nectar.
  • Meadowsweet is used to flavor alcoholic beverages. You can use it at home to flavor liqueurs and tinctures.
  • It is an ornamental plant, it can be grown in your home garden.
