I have problems with my throat - scratching my palate and tonsils and drying of the mucosa. At each visit, doctors say it's just a cold and antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are enough, they say it may be an allergy. Throat swabs are fine.
These ailments may suggest a chronic inflammation of the throat. Symptoms of chronic pharyngitis include frequent or constant grunting, dry throat, obstruction in the throat, difficulty swallowing saliva, a feeling of constant thirst, and a reflex cough. The basic principle of treating chronic pharyngitis is primarily the elimination of the disposant factor. Smoking and smoking are strictly forbidden in relation to smokers, and passive smokers should be informed about the harmfulness of exposure to cigarette smoke. It is necessary to treat inflammation in the periodontal tissues. Topical treatment consists of moisturizing the oral mucosa and rinsing the throat. Steam inhalations of water saturated with essential oils (thyme, lavender) or water with the addition of chamomile flowers and sage may be helpful. Sal Ems dissolved in water or milk can also be recommended. In the period of increased inflammation and pain, local anti-inflammatory preparations may be used. In about 10% of patients with chronic pharyngitis, allergy is the trigger, and antiallergic treatment is helpful in these cases. You can be sure that allergy is the factor causing chronic pharyngitis only after allergy tests are performed - however, they are available mainly in specialist allergy clinics. Sometimes antiallergic drugs are given without testing - if there is an improvement after this treatment, the allergy is considered to be the causative factor. In the case of your ailments, it is recommended to consult an ENT specialist.
Remember that our expert's answer is informative and will not replace a visit to the doctor.
Krystyna KnyplInternist, hypertensiologist, editor-in-chief of "Gazeta dla Lekarzy".
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