Sinusitis develops after the invasion of the sinuses of pathogenic microorganisms as a consequence of acute rhinitis, infectious diseases, tooth granulomas (tumor of granulation tissue). Headache in the forehead area, increased temperature, purulent discharge from the nose heralds an acute state of sinusitis.
Cold viruses, causingsinusitisand nasal mucosa inflammation, cause swelling and increased mucus secretion. Along with it, viruses are removed and after 3-4 dayscatarrhbegins to disappear on its own. Sometimes, however, the swelling is so severe that it closes the sinus opening. A negative pressure is created in them, which favors the penetration of microorganisms, and the secretion accumulating in the sinuses is a real paradise for them.
Sinusitis: Symptoms
- severe pain around the forehead and nose, especially in the morning and aggravating when tilting the head
- purulent discharge clogs the nose and weakens the sense of smell
- the temperature rises.
The diagnosis can be confirmed by an X-ray of the sinuses.
Sinusitis: treatment
If it was the viruses that caused the sinusitis - there is a chance that after 2-3 days it will start to pass by itself and you will feel better. However, if a bacterial superinfection has occurred insinuses- only an antibiotic can destroy them. The treatment then lasts 10-14 days, but if the infection becomes chronic, treatment will be longer. In addition to the antibiotic, the doctor recommends measures to liquefy the secretion in the sinuses and facilitate its removal. These are decongestants and mucolytics (e.g. in the form of nasal drops or oral pseudoephedrine preparations) and anti-inflammatory drugs that support treatment, relieve pain and fever.
If this treatment is unsuccessful, it may be necessary to perform a puncture to remove secretions from the sinuses and administer drugs directly to them. This way, you can prevent the infection from spreading any further.
Home remedies for clogged bays
Inhalations and warm compresses give great effects.» Pour into a bowl of hot water, add a handful of s alt or a few drops of menthol or chamomile oil, cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam. After a few minutes, try blowing your nose gently. Repeat the inhalation 3-4 times a day.» Fill a small bag with s alt and heat it upoven (it must not be too hot so as not to burn the skin). Put it on the forehead or cheeks - warm the sick sinus, then carefully clean the nose.» Add a teaspoon of Amol to a glass of warm water. Make thick cotton wool wicks, wet them in the liquid, gently screw them into each of the nostrils and for 10-15 minutes lie on your stomach on the bed so that your head hangs a little lower. Later, while sitting with your head hanging down slightly, blocking one nostril, blow out the mucus thoroughly on the other. Remember - never blow both holes at the same time!