Disturbed breathing during sleep is a potentially life-threatening medical condition. For this reason, it cannot be ignored as it can have serious consequences. A 7-question questionnaire may be used to assist in the initial qualification of patients suspected of having IBS. Do the ZBS risk test and see if you are at risk.

It is assumed that anyone who snore should be diagnosed with sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a disease characterized by repeated, repeated episodes of stopping or severely restricting the flow of air through the respiratory tract at the throat level with increased work of the respiratory muscles. An episode of apnea or hypopnea must last longer than 10 seconds.

Answer the following questions and see if you are at risk from Sleep Apnea.

If your test results indicate that you may be at risk for Sleep Apnea Syndrome, do not take this lightly and be sure to see a specialist doctor for sleep apnea and snoring tests. The method for establishing the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea is polysomnography. This examination is performed by pulmonary departments and clinics.
