Eczema is a dermatological problem involving the formation of inflammation in skin folds rubbing together. It is mostly found in the groin, armpits, and under the breasts in women, and is the cause of persistent itching and even pain. Who is at particular risk of developing blemishes and how to treat this inflamed skin?
Deteriorationoccurs, as a rule, in infants and the elderly, but not only. Because it develops in skin folds touching and rubbing against each other, it is a common problem for obese people, but also for example pregnant women with abundant breasts. If the skin folds in one place, the crease of the skin becomes excessively warm and moist. These are ideal conditions for the growth of microorganisms, usually bacteria or fungi ( Candida albicans ). Rubbing the folds against each other leads to maceration of the epidermis and thus causes an inflammation called displacement. If you notice similar changes, be sure to consult your family doctor or dermatologist. The diagnosis of displacement is made on the basis of symptoms, the doctor may also be assisted by a mycological examination.
Conditions favoring the formation of a distortion
- overheating, improper skin care in babies
- hygiene negligence in the elderly
- obesity
- diabetes
- excessive sweating
- immunosuppressants
- long-term antibiotic therapy
- chronic steroid treatment
- hormonal disorders
- chemotherapy
Where can distortion develop?
The greatest risk of developing an inflammation of the skin known as blistering occurs in places that are naturally most exposed to moisture accumulation, overheating and microbial growth. They are:
- armpits
- groin
- buttock gap
- genital area
- around behind the ears
- in women, the area under the breasts
- between the folds of the skin on the abdomen
- inner thigh
- in men the place under the foreskin
- spaces between the toes (usually between 4 and 5 and between 3 and 4)
Displacement causes and symptoms
Displacement has no single cause. It may have a bacterial (bacterial expulsion), fungal (displacement) basisyeast) or simply due to reduced evaporation of sweat (mechanical displacement). Inflammation is characterized by:
- reddening of the skin
- red and white blotches or shiny skin in yeast burn
- maceration of the epidermis
- peeling
- itching
- spotty
- acute - erosions, exudates, scabs
Blemish treatment
The mainstay of treatment of inflammatory changes related to burnout is the elimination of the factors that cause them, eg proper skin care, care for proper hygiene, better ventilation (eg "airing the bottom" of a child wearing a diaper). If adults are hyperhidrosis, it may be helpful to use anti-perspirant agents. In addition, depending on the cause causing distortion, the following applies:
- local anti-inflammatory treatment - ointments with e.g. clobetasol
- in case of fungal eruption - antifungal ointments, e.g. clotrimazole, antifungal antibiotics
- in case of bacterial erosion - oral or topical antibiotics, such as mupirocin