Elderberry flower vinegar helps with colds and rheumatic pains. It can also be used as a cosmetic. Use our elderberry flower vinegar recipe and find out about its amazing properties.
Elderberry flower vinegarcan be used both for he alth and beauty. As a cosmetic, it can be used externally to cleanse the skin, rinse hair and as a bath additive.
Elderberry vinegar for he alth
Elderberry vinegar is suitable for making compresses in respiratory and rheumatic diseases. In the case of colds, it can also be used for inhalation. How to take elderberry flower vinegar? 1 teaspoon of vinegar dissolved in a glass of water taken 2 or 3 times a day helps with colds, gastrointestinal problems, bladder problems, rheumatism and arthritis, and strengthens the immune system.
Elderberry vinegar recipe
Put fresh elderberry flowers in a glass vessel with a good closure and cover with vinegar or apple vinegar (1 cup per umbels). Mix everything thoroughly and set aside for 3-4 days in a warm, dark place. Remember to move the vessel from time to time. Then pour the vinegar into dark bottles and cork them.
Based on the book by Ellen Heidböhmer "Black without for he alth and beauty"