Elderberry wine has a unique taste and aroma, and its preparation does not require special skills. There are wine recipes for both flowers and elderberries. If you are impatient, you can also use the simple recipe for a quick elderberry wine.

Elderberry wine

Ingredients for 10 liters of wine with a strength of 9-11 percent (in parentheses the appropriate amounts of ingredients for a wine with a strength of 17 percent).

  • 4 kg (5 kg) of elderberry fruit
  • 6 liters (5 liters) of water
  • 1.9 kg (2.8 kg) of sugar
  • 4 g (4 g) wine yeast
  • 20 g (20 g) citric acid

Peel the fruit from the stems and leaves. Boil in the prescribed amount of water to get rid of poisonous compounds and crumble. When everything has cooled down, add the leaven and pour it into the gander. After 24 hours, boil sugar water, cool. After another 24 hours, add the citric acid. Pour into the gander. Set aside in a dark place to ferment. Pour the clarified wine into bottles.

Elderflower sparkling wine

This elderberry sparkling wine is made thanks to the weak fermentation of wild yeast found on elderberry flowers. The recipe comes from the book by Ellen Heidböhmer "Black without for he alth and beauty".

  • 12 fully flowered elderberry inflorescences
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar
  • 100 g sugar
  • 1 bottle of mineral water
  • ice cubes
  • lemon juice to taste

Clean the flowers by shaking. Place them in a tall stoneware dish with a lid. Mix four liters of running water with sugar and vinegar. Pour the flowers, pressing them against the saucer so that they do not flow out to the top. Let stand for 12 hours at room temperature, then strain the juice through a sieve and set aside in a cool place. You can serve sparkling wine diluted with mineral water or with ice cubes and lemon juice.

Black elderberry - get to know its healing properties

Little Red Riding Hood's sparkling wine

The wine will be made faster if you mix elderberry fruit with sparkling wine or kombucha (tea mushroom). The recipe comes from the book by Angela Martens "Black without he alth by nature".

  • 300 ml elderberry juice
  • 600 ml of water
  • 2 tablespoons of honey
  • 1/2 teaspoons baking yeast

Dilute elderberry juice inwater, then dissolve the honey. Add the yeast, pour it into a bottle and set aside for about 10 hours in a warm place. Open carefully to release some of the resulting gas. Refrigerate the bottle to let the contents ferment slowly, but be sure to open the bottle regularly to let the gas out.
