Tapping even the most expensive creams will not give the desired results if you lack vitamins and minerals. You can make up for these deficiencies by ingesting nutricosmetics, i.e. preparations that nourish the skin from the inside.
The appearance of not only the skin, but alsohairand nails are highly dependent on the diet. Vitamins and trace elements provided with food are responsible for their condition. If your diet is too lean, the nutrients you get are first directed to the organs that are keeping you alive. For others, less important, unfortunately there are not enough of them. The skin then starts to function worse - it dries up and does not peel properly.
Such problems are very often the first sign that the body is lacking the necessary substances. If the shortage period continues, the hair loses its shine and the nails become brittle. Sometimes changing the diet is not enough to make up for the necessary substances. In such situations,nutricosmetics .
What do nutricosmetics contain, i.e. cosmetics in a nutshell?
In those that affect the condition of our skin, there are primarily vitamins A, E, C and B group.
- vitamin A- regulates the epidermal keratosis process,
- vitamin E- reduces inflammation, improves the condition of capillaries and indirectly reduces skin dryness,
- vitamin C- strengthens blood vessels and helps reduce discoloration,
- vitamin B- soothes acne and inflammation of the mucous membranes, removes the so-called chewing, helps with seborrhea and hair loss, as well as incorrect exfoliation of the epidermis.
Thenutricosmeticsalso contain substances that neutralize free radicals, and thus slow down the aging process. In addition to vitamins E and C, they include carotenoids, flavonoids, lycopene or coenzyme Q10. Preparations that are designed to improve skin firmness and reduce cellulite include, among others substances strengthening collagen and elastin fibers, e.g. isoflavones (so-called phytoestrogens) that mimic the action of estrogens, i.e. female sex hormones. In turn, in hair and nail products you will find ingredients such as pantothenic acid,zinc, silicon or calcium.
When it is worth reaching for nutricosmetics
They will be useful to all people with clear symptoms of deficiencies, e.g. improperly flaking skin or hair loss. Also for those who live under constant stress, smoke cigarettes or lose weight intensively - even if they do not have skin or nail problems yet. These situations lead to large losses of nutrients, and this has a negative effect on the appearance with time. Remember that the purchase of any supplement should be consulted with a doctor (preferably a dermatologist or internist). He will judge the best which vitamins and minerals you lack and which preparation will be appropriate. Only he is able to tell if your ailments are the result of a cosmetic defect or a symptom of some disease that cannot be cured with nutricosmetics. Under no circumstances should you ingest nutricosmetics without consulting your doctor if you are taking other dietary supplements or medications - vitamin doses when added up may exceed the recommended daily dose, and the ingredients of nutricosmetics may reduce the absorption of substances contained in drugs.
According to an expertDr. Małgorzata Kozłowska-Wojciechowska- Our diet is imperfect and may be deficient, which sometimes causes some cosmetic defects. Recently, more and more preparations have appeared in pharmacies to accelerate hair regrowth, renewal of the nail plate or skin regeneration. It is worth using them, but you must do it very carefully. Recent studies have shown, for example, that too high doses of antioxidant vitamins, especially beta-carotene and vitamin E, administered in tablets do not always protect the body, and in some people they can even stimulate the formation of unfavorable compounds, e.g. free radicals. This leads not only to the deterioration of the skin condition, but for example in smokers it can provoke the development of lung cancer. This does not mean that you should not take your vitamin complex if you are deficient. However, this must be confirmed by the doctor. In addition, remember that the best vitamins and minerals are the natural ones found in food.
Note: vitamins in nutricosmetics can be harmful
That is why you should read the package leaflet very carefully - especially if you decide to take a nutricosmetic without consulting your doctor first. There you will find detailed information on the dosage of the preparation.An excess of vitamins can be dangerous. Some are excreted in the urine, while others are deposited in the body and overdose can occur. For example, it can be very dangerous to swallow the capsules zVitamin A risk of poisoning with vomiting and diarrhea, bone decalcification, visual disturbances and hair loss. Carefully read the information about when to take the preparation - before, after or while eating. These rules are closely related to the characteristics of the substances contained in the preparation. If an ingredient dissolves and absorbs better, e.g. in the stomach, do not take the preparation several hours after a meal, because then the stomach performs a series of contractions and everything from it is pushed into the colon. The healing ingredients are therefore too short to be absorbed. By not following this type of recommendation, you don't risk unpleasant he alth effects, but you take away the nutricosmetic's chance to work.
Best vitamins and minerals
These are the ones in the food. If you compose your diet well, you will prevent deficiencies. Here are the sources of the ingredients you need:
- vitamin A - carrots, peppers, tomatoes, spinach
- B vitamins - rice, cereals, potatoes, meat, dairy
- vitamin E - soybeans, vegetable oils
- vitamin C - citrus fruits, black currant juice, sauerkraut, rosehips (also dried)
- calcium - dairy products, leafy vegetables, egg yolk
- zinc-meat, dairy products, legumes, vegetables
- silicon-carrots, parsley, beets, cereals
- flavonoids - buckwheat, citrus, red wine