There is no reason to supplement your diet with supplements if you eat varied homemade meals regularly and feel well. However, there are situations when it is good to reach for dietary supplements.
Supplements useful when you are struggling with excess weight
Then the most important thing is a sensibledietunder the supervision of a specialist and regular physical activity. Without it, you can't count on results.Slimming, however,you can support your body by providing your body with fiber, chromium and extracts of apple cider vinegar, artichoke, white beans, pineapple, green tea or dandelion, as well as linoleic acid (CLA) and L-carnitine . Fiber improves intestinal peristalsis and supports the excretion of metabolic waste products. Contained in pineapple extract, it swells in the stomach, giving a feeling of fullness.Supplementscontaining apple cider vinegar, artichoke, dandelion or green tea extracts also regulate digestion. White bean preparation reduces sugar absorption. Chromium regulates carbohydrate metabolism, suppresses appetite and the desire for sweets. Linoleic acid reduces body fat while increasing muscle tissue. By blocking the enzyme that allows fat to penetrate fat cells, it protects against the yo-yo effect. L-carnitine accelerates the conversion of fat into energy.
Supplements when you catch infections easily
You eat little fresh fruit and vegetables, are you constantly fighting infections, are you taking antibiotics? It weakens your immune system. So you need vitamins, especially C and B vitamins, the most important of which is B6, as well as zinc. Cistus tea can also be helpful, as it strengthens immunity.
Iron supplements for heavy periods
Weakness, tiredness, apathy, headaches, pale skin - these symptoms may indicate that you are lacking iron. Scientists have calculated that a woman has an average period of 500 times in her life, bleeding lasts 5 days. If you add them up, you will get around 6 years. During this time, we lose about 50 liters of blood with which iron escapes from the body. If your periods are heavy or longer, and your diet is low in meat, your iron losses will be greater. Absorption of iron is improved by vitamin C, so it is best to deliver these ingredients simultaneously.
ImportantThe scanner can answerthe question of whether you lack antioxidants, mainly carotenoids, which defend the body against free radicals. You do not need to do a blood analysis. It is enough to put your hand to the device that sends a laser beam of blue light and hold it for 3 minutes. This non-invasive test is performed with the BioPhotonic scanner developed by US physicists. Although the device is not a medical device, it can be used for screening purposes. In the event of a bad result, you will not avoid blood analysis, which will accurately determine the level of vitamins and trace elements. There are 60 such devices in Poland (in larger cities). You can find out about where they can be performed by calling 0-608 573 574. The test costs PLN 30.
Supplements before menopause
Hot flashes, accelerated heartbeat, sweating, sleep disturbances, mood changes are typical symptoms related to the menopause. The body begins to produce less and less female hormones - estrogens, which adversely affects your condition and well-being. You can alleviate your discomfort by supplying your body with phytoestrogens - plant compounds with an effect similar to the functions of oestrogens in the body.
You smoke, drink, eat fast food - supplements needed
And when you don't like vegetables and you rarely eat fruit, your body is systematically poisoned. As a result, you tire faster, your immunity is poorer, and concentration disorders may also appear. So before that happens, make up for the lack of antioxidants (vitamins A, C, E) and selenium, which protects cell membranes against the harmful effects of free radicals. In combination with vitamin E, it helps to eliminate toxic elements from the body, such as lead, cadmium and mercury. Cleanse the body of whatever harms it.
Supplements for intensive sports
The body's need for antioxidants, iron and magnesium increases with increased physical exertion. You also need more L-carnitine, which increases the body's endurance during exercise and helps shape the muscle structure.
You don't like and you don't eat fish
So you do not provide your body with the right amount of unsaturated fatty acids (EFAs), including polyunsaturated fatty acids from the omega-3 group, as well as vitamins A and D. EFAs facilitate the absorption of calcium from other products and prevent atherosclerosis.
Supplements for weak hair and nails
This is a sign that you lack vitamins A, C, E, folic acid, pantothenic acid and biotin, as well as selenium, silicon, zinc, iron.
Don't do that
Dietary supplements should not be taken on their own by pregnant women, children and people taking medications. Some minerals and vitamins interact with drugs, e.g. calcium, iron and magnesium, reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics.
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