Have you changed your place of residence? You don't know which doctor to go to? Provision of specialist outpatient or hospital care services due to the so-called "zoning" does not depend on the patient's place of residence. Refusal of treatment is a violation of the patient's rights!

The patient has the right to choosethe provider of outpatient specialist services from among those facilities that have concluded contracts for the provision of he althcare services, subject to Art. 56b and art. 69b of the Act of November 21, 1967 on the universal obligation to defend the Republic of Poland, art. 153 paragraph. 7a of the Act of October 12, 1990 on the Border Guard and Art. 115 § 1a of the Executive Penal Code.

The recipient has the right to choose a hospital from among hospitals that have concluded an agreement for the provision of he althcare services, subject to Art. 56b and art. 69b of the Act of November 21, 1967 on the universal obligation to defend the Republic of Poland, art. 153 paragraph. 7a of the Act of October 12, 1990 on the Border Guard and Art. 115 § 1a of the Executive Penal Code.

Pursuant to the provisions of the Act on he alth services financed from public funds, the patient has the right to choose a service provider providing outpatient specialist services (Article 29) or hospital services (Article 30) from among all service providers who have concluded contracts for the provision of he althcare services with the National He alth Fund.

Violation of rights should be reported to the Patient Ombudsman

The patient has the right to be treated on the basis of a referral throughout the country. Refusal to provide a benefit due to the so-called "zoning" is a violation of the patient's right. In the event of such a violation of the law, the patient has the option to submit a complaint to the director of the he alth unit in which the service was refused, to the relevant Department of the National He alth Fund, or to the Patient Ombudsman.

Occupations limiting the choice of service provider to the workplace (uniformed services)

On the other hand, the right to choose a hospital is a limited right, determined by contracts for the provision of he althcare services. Therefore, this regulation does not provide grounds for inferring the right to benefits in a located he alth care unitterritorially.

It is worth noting that officers in the candidate service (border guard), on the terms set out in the Act on he alth care services financed from public funds, have the right to choose:

1) primary care doctor and nurse,

2) service providers providing outpatient specialist services,

3) dentist,

4) hospital

Among service providers who have concluded contracts for the provision of he althcare services, located within the territorial range of operations of the Border Guard organizational unit.

Patients who serve in armed formations not included in the Armed Forces have a limited right to choose. They have, because they have the right to choose:

1) primary care doctor and nurse,

2) service providers providing outpatient specialist services,

3) dentist,

4) hospital

in the place of service, from among the service providers who have concluded contracts for the provision of he althcare services, which are budgetary units created and supervised by the minister responsible for internal affairs, with an outpatient clinic, an outpatient clinic with an infirmary or a primary care physician in the organizational structure or being medical entities established by the minister competent for internal affairs.

Legal grounds for choosing a place of treatment for prisoners

On the other hand, a convict serving a sentence of imprisonment does not have the right to choose a doctor and nurse for primary he alth care, a service provider providing outpatient he alth care services, a dentist and a hospital.

In a state of emergency, a physician other than a prison he alth care physician, paramedic or nurse of the State Medical Rescue System may decide on the need to transfer a detained person to a prison hospital or other hospital. If a detained person is referred in a state of emergency to a prison hospital, the director of this hospital or a prison he alth service doctor authorized by him is notified about this situation.

Legal basis:

Act on he alth care benefits financed from public funds (Journal of Laws of 2008, No. 164, item 1027, as amended)
