The Patient Ombudsman was appointed to help those patients with multiple sclerosis who feel discriminated against at work, do not know how to apply for rehabilitation reimbursement, how to obtain state-guaranteed legal aid, and seek access to he alth services.

The project financed by the European Union funds was created to solve problemspatientsresulting from the lack of access to information about treatment options,rehabilitation , assistance psychological and legal.

In our country, there are approximately 60,000 patients withmultiple sclerosis . They have been fighting for their treatment rights since 1997, unsuccessfully so far. Poland does not comply with the Resolution of the European Parliament passed in 2003, which prohibits discrimination of patients with MS. We are still the only country in Europe where a systemic and comprehensive treatment program for MS patients has not been developed. An important part of the program are local ombudsman consultants - people related to the community of people with MS, trained and qualified to provide legal information in the field of medical law, complex administrative procedures, access to treatment and rehabilitation.
The tasks of the Ombudsman for Patients with MS also include counseling in the field of he alth protection, providing information on specialist and inpatient treatment. The Ombudsman's help often goes beyond the scope of the assigned tasks, as the expectations of patients force them to look at their problems more broadly, not only in the context of he alth and social problems.

Ombudsman for People with Multiple Sclerosis

e-mail: [email protected]

The helpline of the Polish Multiple Sclerosis Society is also open from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm: 801-313-333

Local PTSR consultants

You can also contact the branches and field circles of the Polish Multiple Sclerosis Society, which organize local group rehabilitation, physical rehabilitation at home, support groups, psychological and legal help and meetings with doctors and rehabilitators. Addresses of all local branches can be found at

