In some cases, the patient can also count on help at home. Patients are en titled to home visits in the event of a sudden illness or deterioration of he alth, when it is impossible to reach the clinic. This also applies to situations where the patient becomes ill at night, on Saturday, Sunday or public holidays - doctors are obliged to inform their patients, providing at least a telephone number, about the available method of receiving advice outside the usual hours, i.e. from 6.00 p.m. to 10.00 a.m. on weekdays.
The care to which every patient is en titled under he alth insurance is provided not only in he alth care facilities. In some cases, the patient can count onhelp also at home . Patients are en titled to home visits in the event of a sudden illness or deterioration of he alth and inability to obtain advice at the place where the services are provided by a doctor. This applies to primary he alth care, specialist services, rehabilitation, long-term care, as well as "separately contracted" procedures.
Who is en titled to home medical visits?
Pursuant to the order of the President of the National He alth Fund No. 72/2009 / DSOZ of November 3, 2009 on the conditions for concluding contracts such as basic he alth care, patients are en titled to home visits in the event of a sudden illness or deterioration of he alth and inability to obtain advice in the place where the services are provided by the doctor.
In cases of acute illnesses and sudden illnesses, as well as when the condition of the charge requires it, advice should be provided on the day of reporting, while in the case of patients with chronic diseases, advice may be provided on a date agreed with the patient.
The service provider ensures the availability of the benefits under the contractfrom Monday to Friday from from 8.00 to 18.00 , excluding public holidays. For a home visit, similarly to the usual advice, the patient can be registered in person, by phone or by third parties.
ImportantHome visitsdoes not include situations in which there is a state of immediate threat to life, especially in the event of loss of consciousness, falls fromheights, fractures, traffic accidents, sudden disturbances of consciousness, accidental injuries in emergency situations, sudden dyspnea, electric shock, childbirth and pregnancy-related ailments. Then help should be provided byemergency medical system .
What to do when a doctor refuses a home visit?
If a patient believes that his primary care physician has unjustly refused a home visit, he / she is always en titled to file a complaint with the ombudsman of the insured at a given provincial branch of the National He alth Fund. As a last resort, patients also have the right to change the chosen doctor.
Doctor's visits to the patient's home at night and on public holidays
Doctors are required to inform their patients (outside and inside their facility, providing at least a telephone number) about the available method of receiving advice outside of regular hours (from 6.00 p.m. to 10.00 a.m. and on public holidays).
Outgoing night and holiday medical careincludes in particular:
- medical services provided at the patient's home in the event of a sudden illness or deterioration of the patient's he alth, except for life-threatening conditions,
- ensuring continuity of treatment for the patient, and in cases requiring further treatment - indication of centers and places where the process of restoring he alth may be continued.
It is worth knowing that the physician cooperates with:
- nurse item,
- midwife,
- as a nurse of the teaching and upbringing environment.
Legal basis:
Act of 27 August 2004 on he alth care services financed from public funds - consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2004, No. of 2008, no. 164, item 1027 as amended, Regulation of the Minister of He alth of 29 August 2009 on guaranteed services in the field of primary he alth care - Journal of Laws No. 139, item. 1139 with amendments, Ordinance No. 72/2009 / DSOZ of the President of the National He alth Fund of November 3, 2009 on defining the conditions for concluding and implementing contracts for the provision of services such as: basic he alth care.