You could participate in the in vitro reimbursement program from July 1, 2013 to the end of June 2016. Currently, couples who want to take advantage of IVF must fully cover the costs of the procedure. Local governments are trying to help them. The first city where it was decided to subsidize the program was Częstochowa. The next one is Łódź. Check what requirements must be met to apply for funding.

GovernmentThe in vitro reimbursement programwas in force from July 2013 to June 30, 2016. According to the data of the Ministry of He alth of October 23, 2014, 677 children have been born thanks to the government infertility treatment program with the method of in vitro fertilization. More than 14,900 pairs have been registered for the program, while the program implementers have already qualified over 11,400 pairs for treatment. Although the program is expected to expire by June 2016, couples who want to take part in it must hurry, as their position in the queue for free IVF treatment depends on the order in which the couple came and qualified by doctors.

How to use the IVF program co-financed by local governments?

As in the case of the government program, the co-financing of the in-vitro procedure by local governments can be used by:

  • couples in whom the absolute cause of infertility was found and confirmed with medical documentation, or infertility treatment in the 12 months preceding the application to the program ineffective in accordance with the recommendations and standards of medical practice (subject to the reservations indicated below), and the woman on the date of application to the program is under 40;
  • patients with delayed fertility due to oncological and infectious reasons (people who may lose their fertility in the future as a result of treatment or for other reasons).

The condition for joining the program ishaving the title to he alth insurance . If you are insured in another EU country, you can also get benefits under the scheme.

It can be concluded from the rules of the program that not only married couples can benefit from in vitro reimbursement, as the legal status of the couple has not been determined.

The place in the queue waiting for a free IVF treatment depends on the order in which the couple came and qualifiedby doctors. The exceptions are people who may lose their fertility in the future due to oncological reasons. Such people have priority in the program.

Each couple qualified for the program can benefit from 3 cycles of infertility treatment using the in vitro fertilization method. Another attempt at in vitro fertilization under the program may take place no later than 6 months after the end of the previous one.

Couples who, despite qualifying and performing the necessary tests, do not start treatment, may not be able to do so at a later date.

A couple who qualified to participate in the program may change their doctor any number of times during the program, and the clinic where they want to be treated only once.

In vitro funding - what documents should be taken for the qualifying appointment?

  • insurance certificate
  • ID cards
  • medical history
  • infertility treatment certificates from the attending physician
  • for stimulated and monitored cycles, enter the number of cycles
  • hospital discharge reports
  • epikryzy
  • laboratory test results
  • imaging test results
