Pain behind the ear is a condition that can have many different causes. It happens that it is provoked by irritation of certain nerve fibers, and sometimes the cause of the problem may be the pathology of the mastoid process or the structures of the ear itself. What other causes of the pain behind the ear can be and what can be done to stop it?

Pain behind the earis relatively rare or underestimated by patients. In practice, however, this ailment is encountered much more often than one might suppose. When a problem occurs and disappears after a short time, there is no need to worry. The situation is different, however, whenthe pain behind the ear lasts for a long timeand it is quite intense - in this case it is definitely worth going to a doctor, because this ailment can be a symptom of a very many diseases.

Pain behind the ear: causes

Pain behind the ear and occipital neuralgia

One of the most common causes of pain behind the ear is occipital neuralgia. It can be caused primarily by irritation of the occipital nerve, which may occur as a result of straining the neck muscles or experiencing an injury in the neck area.

In this unit, patients may experience pain behind the ear, but also pain (often pulsating) in the neck, pain on one side or pain in the back of the head.

Pain behind the ear and mastoiditis

Both adults and children can complain of pain behind the ear. In the latter group of patients, the cause of complaints may be mastoiditis.

It can come from a bacterial infection - quite often the primary infection is otitis media, where during the course of the disease the infection spreads to the mastoid structures.

Mastoiditis may cause pain behind the ear, but also fever, redness and swelling of the auricle or a significant feeling of weakness.

Pain behind the ear and ear diseases

It is not difficult to guess that the diseases of the hearing organ itself may be responsible for the pain behind the ear. The problem may be one of the symptoms of otitis media or outer ear, but also earwax clogging.

Pain behind the ear can also be in the aftermathdamage to the ear canal, e.g. during improper cleaning of the ear.

Pain behind the ear and infections

Sometimes the pain behind the ear results from the enlargement of the lymph nodes located in this area. This phenomenon is sometimes encountered in the course of various infections (both viral and bacterial).

Mumps is especially worth mentioning here, in which there may be pain behind the ear, but also significant swelling of the parotid glands or pain when swallowing.

Pain behind the ear and dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint

Pain behind the ear is sometimes caused by dysfunctions of the temporomandibular joint, which may be caused by degenerative changes or injuries of this joint. The disease can manifest itself in pain when talking or chewing food, but also in pain behind the ear.

Pain behind the ear and dental diseases

Sometimes it happens that the pain behind the ear results from pathologies affecting such organs that theoretically would not be associated with the ears at all. The cause of ailments is sometimes … dental diseases.

Pain behind the ear is seen in people with advanced tooth decay, sometimes it also occurs in patients whose teeth are erupting. Another possible cause of the discomfort is tooth abscess.

Pain behind the ear and a heart attack

The pain behind the ear must not be underestimated - it can be one of the symptoms of even such a dangerous disease as a heart attack.

Pain behind the left ear is rather difficult to consider as a characteristic symptom of a heart attack, but it may accompany other symptoms of this individual, such as severe chest pain or significant shortness of breath.

Pain behind the ear and injuries

One of the more obvious potential causes of pain behind the ear is injury. The problem may occur as a result of a blow to the head, but also due to the experience of, for example, thermal injuries (such as frostbite or burns).

Especially in the event of a blow to the head, the pain behind the ear is accompanied by other ailments, such as dizziness.

Pain behind the ear: diagnostics

Looking at the above, it is clear that the pain behind the ear can have many different causes. Then, when the patient experiences it, he or she can go to the primary care physician - the specialist will be able to carry out the initial diagnostics and, if necessary, refer the patient to doctors of other speci alties.

When looking for the causes of pain behind the ear, a physical examination (medical interview) is important, as well as a physical examination (a physical examination consisting in a more detailed assessment of the body area behind the ear).

Later - depending on the suspectetiology of the problem - a variety of studies may be commissioned. Sometimes they are laboratory tests, e.g.

  • blood count
  • Is marking of inflammatory markers.

Sometimes imaging tests, such as:

  • RTG,
  • computed tomography
  • or magnetic resonance imaging.

Pain behind the ear: treatment

Carrying out a thorough diagnosis of a patient with pain behind the ear is absolutely crucial as treatment can be completely different for different causes of this condition.

People with occipital neuralgia use painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs as well as rehabilitation. Antibiotic therapy may be necessary when pain behind the ear occurs in the course of mastoiditis.

In those patients who experience significant changes in the structure of the temporomandibular joint, it may be necessary to undergo surgery.

  • Nerve pain or neuralgia - pain without a cause
  • Ear - structure and functions. Outer, inner and middle ear
  • Swimmer's ear: causes, symptoms and treatment of otitis externa
  • Allergic otitis: causes, symptoms, treatment
