Everything about recipes and their fulfillment
Prescription and drug reimbursement
On the basis of a prescription issued by a doctor or a medical assistant, you will receive basic drugs, complementary drugs and prescription drugs for a fee:
- lump sum - for basic drugs (these are selected life-saving drugs and drugs necessary for therapy. The fee is PLN 3.20) and prescription drugs. The flat fee cannot exceed 0.5%. the minimum wage for the base drug and 1.5% for the prescription drug.
- in the amount of 30 percent or 50 percent drug prices - for complementary drugs (these are selected drugs that complement the action of basic drugs).
Patients suffering from infectious or mental diseases and mentally retarded, as well as suffering from certain chronic, congenital or acquired diseases receive drugs and medical devices prescribed in accordance with the above rules or free of charge.
The prescription is valid for 30 days. The only exceptions are:
- antibiotic prescriptions and emergency care prescriptions - 7 days,
- prescriptions for immunological preparations and medicines imported from abroad, for individual users - 60 days.
Replacing the drug with a cheaper equivalent
There is a drug price limit for basic, complementary and prescription drugs. If the price of the prescribed drug exceeds the limit, then the pharmacist may issue you the drug by charging a surcharge in the amount of the difference between the price of the drug dispensed and the price limit.
with the same international name, dose, pharmaceutical form and the same therapeutic indication, the price of which does not exceed the price limit. This does not apply if the prescription states that the prescribed medication cannot be changed for any other.
If your doctor has prescribed a drug whose price exceeds the reimbursement limit, and the drug has a cheaper equivalent, the pharmacist is obliged to inform you that you can buy a cheaper drug,
Who is en titled to free drugs
- War invalids , their spouses who are solely dependent on them, and widows and widowers of fallen soldiers and deceased war invalids, en titled to survivors' pensions, and repressed persons are en titled tofree supply of medicines marked with the symbol "Rp"and entered in the Register of Medicinal Products Admitted to Trade in the territory of the Republic of Poland. They must show the document to the doctor or paramedic issuing the prescriptionconfirming the en titlement. The person purchasing the drug is required to present the authorized person's document confirming this en titlement.
- Free medications included in the lists of basic and complementary medications are also availablemilitary invalid .
- People with the titleof "Meritorious Honorary Blood Donor" . They must present the "Meritorious Honorary Blood Donor" ID.