Can cleaning be harmful to your he alth? It turns out that it is, and the Norwegians proved it a few years ago by examining the he alth of women who clean professionally. And since this activity is unlikely to be avoided, it is better to choose he althy cleaning products. He althy - what are they?
- He althy cleaning products: non-allergenic washing powder
- He althy cleaning products: floor cleaner
- He althy cleaning agents: washing-up liquid
- He althy cleaning products: surface cleansing milk
- He althy cleaning products: glass cleaner
He althycleaning productsis a slogan that sometimes still raises doubts. Because "he althy" is mild, and mild - you know: not necessarily effective. Above all, we expect effectiveness from a washing powder, a floor cleaning milk or a window spray.
Especially since the ads are tempting: "Here is a wonderful cleaning agent that will clean the windows by itself, add shine to the floor, and make any stain more visible. In addition, it will leave a beautiful fragrance. " Where does this effectiveness of cleaning preparations come from?
This is due to modern technologies and not always friendly "chemistry". However, the price for effective, quick cleaning are damaged hands, watery eyes, sneezing, and often also more serious he alth problems - those that we do not associate with cleaning.
Research carried out in Norway has proven that spray cleaning preparations have a similar effect on the body of women who cleanse themselves as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day - their lung capacity decreases faster than women who do not clean themselves (men do not clean themselves differently, because they have a greater lung capacity).
The harmfulness of cleaning with traditional means is also convinced by scientists from the American Society for the Promotion of Science - their tests, in turn, have shown that as much as 50 percent. volatile organic compounds that float above Los Angeles and are inhaled by residents, causing various ailments and exacerbating allergy symptoms, come from, among others, with preparations used during cleaning.
This is why it is worth knowing what the cleaning agents contain and choosing the least harmful ones possible.
He althy cleaners: powder forlaundry that does not sensitize
It is not without reason that ordinary washing powders are not recommended for allergy sufferers and parents of young children: in order to effectively separate the dirt from the fabric and dissolve it in water, they contain a number of substances, including surfactants and chemicals such as phosphates, polycarboxylates (and other petroleum derivatives), ABS, SLS and SLES foaming agents, enzymes, as well as fragrances and bleaching substances - each of them can be severely irritating to the skin and cause allergies, and some of them can also be absorbed through the skin. So how to wash safer?
- Choose natural powders that do not contain optical brighteners or fragrances, and instead of enzymes and strong chemical ingredients, there is gray or Marseille soap, soap flakes, borax or soda. Such powders are less likely to cause allergies, and due to the lack of phosphates they are also more environmentally friendly.
- Use washing soda, eco-spheres, washing nuts or soap flakes instead of washing powder.
- You can also make a washing powder that is he althy for the skin yourself. The simplest recipe: mix 40 dkg of borax, 40 dkg of sodium carbonate (both can be purchased online), 20 dkg of grated gray soap (if it is to be a powder for white fabrics, also add a tablespoon of baking soda), and then pour it into a large jar or box - can stay in it for a month. Use 50 g of powder for one wash (that's five large tablespoons). If you want the fabrics to smell nice after washing, you can pour a few or a dozen drops of your favorite essential oil into the fabric conditioner compartment immediately before washing (the more you pour it, the more intense the smell will be).
He althy cleaning products: floor cleaner
Floor cleaning liquids also contain surfactants, dyes and strong fragrances (most of them are petroleum derivatives). Antibacterial substances, often based on chlorine, and strong solvents are also added to them. This means that when washing the floor, we will be exposed to contact with a corrosive substance - both through the skin and the respiratory system.
Many of these liquids also contain fragrances that can be sensitizing.
Our advice:
- Buy ecological cleaning products: fragrance-free, eco-certified (eg Nordic Swan), recommended by organizations and associations of allergy sufferers (such as PTA), which guarantees that they do not contain any skin irritating substances.
- If you prefer conventional cleaning products, buy ones that do not contain chlorine or antibacterial additives, andweakly smelling. A home floor does not require decontamination at the hospital level. Most floor cleaning liquids are so-called universal liquids - which means that we can use them to wash not only floors, but also doors, tiles, etc. It is worth choosing them, because it significantly reduces the number of chemicals in our home.
- If you need several preparations, choose those from one manufacturer, preferably from one line. Then you have a chance that the substances they contain will be similar and that the real Mendeleev's tablet will not float in the air.
- You can also make the floor cleaner yourself - just pour a glass of ordinary vinegar into a bucket of warm water and add a few drops of essential oil, which will give the mixture a nice smell (it can be an oil with antibacterial properties, e.g. tea tree oil ).
He althy cleaning agents: washing-up liquid
It is not without reason that many manufacturers place information on the labels that protective gloves must be worn during washing up. In addition to water, dishwashing liquids also contain surfactants that facilitate the dissolution of dirt, substances supporting the removal of grease, substances responsible for the formation of foam and its stabilizers, bleaches, enzymatic agents, rust removers, polymers, ethanol, small amounts of fragrances, preservatives and dyes , as well as glycerin or lanolin (intended to protect the skin of the hands).
However, most of these ingredients are not indifferent to he alth and skin, and what is worse, it may happen that even repeated washing of dishes does not remove them completely, so they enter our body with food. Some fluids also contain germicides. But is it necessary?
The following basic hygiene rules protect against the excessive growth of harmful microorganisms. And killing bacteria "in stock" sterilizes the environment, and in such a way our immunity decreases. It is better not to buy liquids with labels warning that they may provoke an allergic reaction or are harmful to aquatic organisms, causing long-lasting effects, also avoid those whose manufacturers suggest using protective gloves. What in return?
- Choose ecological, certified liquids, free from strong fragrances, harmless to the environment and safe for the skin.
- If you prefer traditional liquids, buy the least fragrant ones and always apply them to the sponge - not directly on your hands or dishes.
- Do not abuse washing up liquids. Glasses, cups and those dishes that have not been in contact with fat just as wellcan be washed in warm water with the addition of s alt. It is also worth remembering that water in which pasta or rice was cooked has excellent washing properties.
- Think about buying a dishwasher. Not only will it save time and water, but it will also reduce the amount of chemicals used, because the dishes are washed at a very high temperature.
- Do it yourself: mix a teaspoon of vinegar and a teaspoon of baking soda with 5 grams of soap flakes and a few drops of essential oil, then dissolve everything in two liters of very warm water and pour into a bottle.
He althy cleaning products: surface cleansing milk
How to clean the bathtub, sink, washbasin, kitchen and bathroom tiles? Usually, we use one product for these purposes: universal milk or gel. Most often they are antibacterial products containing strong surfactants, bleaches, a large addition of fragrances - sometimes there are a dozen chemicals in such a product, and their names are difficult to pronounce. They can also irritate the skin and cause allergies, especially skin and inhalation allergies. Therefore:
- Choose ecological cleaning products, necessarily certified, with a composition approved by experts, e.g. from allergy societies, because then you can be sure that they do not contain unnecessary or harmful substances.
- Instead of several separate toilet, kitchen and floor cleaning fluids, buy one universal. This will reduce the amount of chemicals your skin and respiratory system come into contact with.
- You can also prepare the cleansing milk yourself: just mix 100 g of baking soda, a few drops of essential oil, which will give a nice smell, and 50 ml of gray liquid soap, and then pour it into a bottle.
He althy cleaning products: glass cleaner
The base of glass cleaners is alcohol (contaminated), which evaporates quickly. As a result, the liquid does not leave streaks. To it are added surfactants, dyes, fragrances and polishes. And because we usually use a sprinkler, many of these substances end up in our respiratory system. In addition, there are harmful vapors of alcohol contaminants in the air. Our advice:
- When using a spray, cover your nose and mouth to avoid inhaling the spray.
- Instead of the window cleaner, test a universal fluid, only diluted properly.
- Homemade window cleaning fluid can be prepared by mixing vinegar and distilled water in equal proportions. You can also add the same amount of alcohol to this mixture.