Chinese lemon is a plant whose properties and healing effects have been used for millennia in the natural medicine of the Far East. However, it is more and more often used in the treatment of other countries of the world. The red, spherical Chinese Schisandra berries are known as a remedy for the liver, fatigue, and also as an aphrodisiac. Check what other effects of Chinese lemongrass and try the recipe for a tincture of this fruit.
Chinese lemonis a plant whoseproperties and healing effectshave been used for millennia. The description of the plant and the raw materials obtained from it was already included in the first Chinese pharmacopoeia from 250 BCE, and in Chinese medicine the citrus fruit has been used for over 2000 years BCE¹
In natural medicineapplicationseeds and ripe red, spherical berries with juicy flesh and lemon scent, which after drying, have a pale red color and look like pepper.
The Chinese name of the plant means the fruit of the five flavors because sweet and sour tastes are found in the peel and flesh, and tart, bitter and s alty are found in the seeds.
Chinese lemon for liver
In Chinese Schisandra, substances called lignans have been found that protect the liver, prevent its damage and accelerate regeneration, e.g. in the course of viral hepatitis and inflammation of the liver caused by chemical factors. Lignans protect the liver because they activate enzymes in the liver cells that produce glutathione - the strongest antioxidant substance. In addition, lignans destroy chemicals that contribute to inflammation in various cells in the human body.
The research shows that the extract obtained from the citrus fruit reduces the elevated (by chemical factors) level of glutamine-alanine transaminase (SGPT) in the blood serum of experimental animals and that the lignans (schizandrole and schizandrins) isolated from the extract stop the progressive necrosis hepatocytes (liver cells). As a result of extensive pharmacological and clinical studies with extracts and compounds isolated from them, lemongrass preparations were introduced in China for the treatment ofviral hepatitis .²
Chinese lemon will strengthen your mental and physical condition
Chinese lemon will help in states of physical and mental fatigue, weakness, irritation and anxiety. Lemon - like ginseng - helps to relieve fatigue, improves mental and physical condition. Lignans are responsible for this effect, which stimulates the central nervous system, contributing to the improvement of physical and mental fitness.
In addition, Chinese citrus helps build muscle strength and endurance, and in athletes it increases the body's efficiency, not being classified as a doping agent .³
This will be useful to youChinese lemon - recipe for tincture
Ingredients: 2 cups of Chinese schisandra fruit, 0.5 l of 96% spirit, 0.5 l of vodka, 0.5 l of honey .
Preparation method: rinse the fruit, drain well, pour in alcohol. Place in a warm, dark place. After 2 weeks, drain the alcohol. Squeeze the fruit, add liquid honey to the juice (heat it for a while in a water bath). Combine with alcohol and set aside for a week. Filter several times, pour into bottles. The tincture should mature for about half a year.
Chinese lemon on heart
Modern phytotherapy recommends the use of Schisandra to people who have he alth problems with the heart. In China, lemongrass fruit is part of the preparation "Shengmai San", used in the treatment of coronary heart disease, in Korea it has long been used in the treatment of cardiovascular symptoms related mainly to the menopause .¹
Chinese lemon balm normalizes cholesterol and blood sugar levels
Chinese lemon regulates sugar levels and lowers high cholesterol. In addition, it has anti-haemorrhagic and antiallergic properties, inhibits the growth of bacteria, incl. golden staphylococcus, blue pus, and typhoid fever.
Chinese lemon as an aphrodisiac
Lemon supports sexual activity in men and women, acts as an aphrodisiac. It can be used to improve sexual activity to increase desire.
Chinese lemon - use in the kitchen and cosmetics
Chinese Schisandra fruits can be eaten dried, make them into tinctures, juices, jams. Chinese lemon juice enriches the aromas of tea and wine.
Chinese lemon is also used in cosmetics. The essential oil obtained from the bark of this plant is used in the perfume industry. Fruit extracts, on the other hand, have anti-inflammatory, firming, softening and regenerating properties, which is why the lemon peel is used to make creams.
ImportantChinese lemon - contraindications and side effects
Schizandra fruits are safe and well tolerated by humans and show no side effects. However, they should not be consumed by people who are in a state of nervous hyperactivity, struggling with insomnia, arterial hypertension and with heart disorders. According to some sources, pregnancy may also be a contraindication.