About 3 percent women expecting a child undergo the so-called gestational diabetes. It appears between weeks 24 and 28 of pregnancy and usually ends six weeks after the baby is born. Where can a pregnant woman with diabetes go to get the help she needs?
Gestational diabetesis detected by a blood test. Properly treated, it is not dangerous for the mother or the baby. We present a list ofdiabetes clinicswherepregnant womencan get the necessary help.
Diabetes clinics for pregnant women
1. Independent Public Clinical Hospital of the Medical University, Department of Endocrinology, Diabetology and Internal Medicine, Białystok, ul. M. Skłodowskiej 24 a (0-85) 746 86 07 and 746 82 39
2. University Hospital, Diabetes Outpatient Clinic, Kraków, ul. Kopernika 15 (0-12) 424 83 14
3. Polish Mother's He alth Center, Diabetes Clinic, Łódź, ul. Rzgowska 281/289 (0-42) 271 11 52
4. Department and Clinic of Metabolic Diseases and Diabetology, Silesian Medical Academy, Zabrze, ul. 3 Maja 13 (0-32) 370 44 27
5. Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinical Hospital of the Medical University, Diabetology Clinic, Poznań, ul. Polna 33 (0-61) 841 92 87
6. Pomeranian Medical University, Regional Clinic for Diabetes Patients, Szczecin, ul. Arkońska 4 (0-91) 45 40 112 and 45 41 007 ext. 557
7. Independent Public Central Clinical Hospital of the Medical University of Warsaw, Diabetology Clinic, Warsaw, ul. Banacha 1a (0-22) 599 15 65
8. Department and Clinic of Internal Diseases and Diabetology, Medical University of Diabetes Clinic, Warsaw, ul. Kondratowicza 8 (0-22) 326 53 08
9. Provincial Hospital No. 2, Department of Internal Medicine, Rzeszów, ul. Lwowska 60 (0-17) 866 40 00
10. Provincial Specialist Hospital, Department of Endocrinology and Diabetology, Olsztyn, ul. Żołnierska 18 (0-89) 538 64 82
11. Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 4, Lublin, ul. Jaczewskiego 8 (0-81) 742 51 49