Each of us has a need for warmth, love and acceptance, and often a desire to belong to a group. Therefore, almost anyone can fall victim to a sect. It is worth knowing the simple rules of manipulation that sects use to recruit their members.

There is usually nothing dangerous about an invitation to a yoga course or a presentation of learning techniques. That is why many sects use methods that seem very innocent on the surface. But remember: the goal of a destructive group (and sects are considered to be so) is to completely take over the mind. According to estimated data, there are at least several dozen (even 300!) Sects in Poland. Many of them were mentioned in the report of the European Parliament's Commission as particularly dangerous organizations that work against the mental and physical he alth of people. How to tell them apart? You can trust your intuition. But that is not enough. You also need to learn about the - in fact - simple manipulation mechanisms used by the sects.

Sect requires submission

The sectusually wants to decide on all aspects of the members' lives - lifestyle, property, work, social contacts, and sometimes even he alth and life. It requires absolute obedience and submission. People usually defend themselves against this, so sects use special techniques to make the recruited person feel that they are willing to accept whatever is imposed on them.

Disinformation and camouflage - methods used by sects

The less reliable the news, the more blurred the picture, the easier it is to deceive the potential victim. So when someone accosts you in the street and smilingly invites you to a meeting - where you will learn how to peacefully solve the world's pressing problems - the first question should be, "Who's really behind it?" Probably the answer will not explain much (it could be, for example, an international organization with a name that does not tell us anything), but it is important to be vigilant, common sense and the principle of limited trust.

Read also how manipulation differs from persuasion


How to recognize the influence of a sect?

There are no specific symptoms of cult addiction. However, it is worth looking at some changes in the behavior of a loved one. The first sign althat something is wrong, there may be increasing isolation and a sharp change in personality. At first, euphoric states may be characteristic, and later withdrawing into oneself, depression and physical weakness. A person who has been talkative and sociable so far may suddenly become silent, absent. He ceases to be interested in school, work and family. He also gives up his previous passions. She can suddenly change her style of dress, read books that she was not interested in in the past. Sometimes strange brochures and leaflets appear at home. It is more and more difficult to talk to such a person - especially on ideological and religious topics. We get the impression that our loved one is behind the glass, separated from the world by a screen of other people's thoughts and ready-made, rigid concepts.

Three stages of sect manipulation

1. Seduction

In the beginning there is love. The recruiter, or the person who tries to get you into a sect, is always a very kind person - but apparently - open and sympathetic. He shows a keen interest in your affairs, sincerely sympathizes, surrounds with warmth and offers his friendship. If you agree to participate in an intimate meeting (e.g., about self-actualization, a vegetarian diet, or opportunities to develop professional skills), then you usually experience a shock. A sea of ​​love floods you! - Everyone smiles at you and exudes kindness. They praise you, assure you that it is no coincidence that you are here and that they were waiting for someone like that - says Anna Rygielska, psychologist and therapist from the Warsaw Sect Information Center. - You think, "What a wonderful place," and you arrange another meeting. Then you start reading the proposed books, listen to the conversations and slowly, step by step, you give in to - initially mild and disguised - indoctrination.

- Recruiters try to find out as much as possible about you and work out what works best for you. During initial observations, they determine what type you can classify into: religious, intellectual, emotional or social. Everyone has their own vulnerable points. Some have strongly awakened religious needs, others are looking for ways of self-realization, still others want to learn how to earn big money quickly or how to develop their intellect. It's just about discovering these needs and adapting the methods of persuasion to them later - explains Anna Rygielska.

2. Transforming

The aim of a sect is to cause a person a permanent change of identity. The group's pressure on the new member becomes stronger and stronger, but still controlled, to maintain the illusion that he is the one who decides what goes on in his mind. A moment of changeManipulated worldview is unfortunately quite difficult to grasp.

- Sects always emphasize their religious and philosophical neutrality - explains Anna Rygielska. - That is why you have to remember about your expectations at the beginning of the contact with the group. For example, you sign up for a tai-chi course because you want to improve your physical fitness and attention span. On the flyer, they promise you that you will only get this, but after a while a philosophy starts seeping into your ear. This should be the first sign that you may fall victim to psycho-manipulation. If you are really dealing with a cult, you are slowly being instilled with a new world view. Suddenly, you don't know when, you start wearing a sari, switch to vegetarianism, abandon your family, or sign up for another life problem-solving course that is ruining you financially and increasingly distracting you from reality. So how do you distinguish a real course, e.g. quick learning, from a fiction created for sect recruitment?

Anna Rygielska advises to carefully check the theory on which the proposed training is based. You don't have to worry if there is solid psychological knowledge behind it. On the other hand, suspicions may be aroused by arguments of a para-religious nature, e.g. the slogan of opening up to the cosmic energy that will enlighten you. - Some mental constructions are extremely attractive. That is why it is always worth checking what the foundations of a given theory are and whether we want to have anything to do with it - adds the psychologist.

3. Consolidating loy alty

As the bond between recruiters and recruits tightens, the totalitarian norms of the group become more and more apparent. The sect's action towards the new victim then focuses on isolating it from the world as much as possible. The sect is doing everything possible to distract the "new" from family and friends. For example, he may be persuaded to share with his loved ones truths that have recently been revealed to him, and the resulting conflicts cause a voluntary withdrawal from the family. A new member is encouraged to quit their job and, for example, to devote themselves entirely to seeking enlightenment or engaging in saving the world, which usually means free work for the sect (from which the leader receives material benefits).

The sect uses various techniques to make new members dependent on itself. One of them is "silencing your thinking", which involves the use of prayer, chanting, and meditation techniques to suppress doubts. Another way is through emotional blackmail - manipulating feelings such as fear, guilt, and a sense of commitment to the group leader. The place of the earlierassurances of love are de alt with by a system of punishments and rewards. As a result, a new identity is formed. A sect member ends up in a psychological prison, of which he himself is a guardian.

Psychological profile of a potential cult victim

There is no single personality type that is prone to psychomanipulation. Nobody is completely immune to it, but there are also favorable circumstances. Crisis moments, such as death, divorce, loss of job or moving to another city make us more vulnerable. - Everything that weakens you opens you to manipulation at the same time - explains Anna Rygielska. - When you feel lonely and lost, you are looking for the meaning of life, you need change, then you are more likely to look for support. The unemployed are open to the offers of economic sects that promise high wages. Young, intelligent people easily succumb to promises of a quick career. A lot also depends on what we got from the house. If someone had authoritarian parents and was not used to autonomy but blind obedience, in adulthood he looks for an environment that will decide everything for him. These are people who cannot function independently. On the other extreme there are people who were neglected during their childhood and who have an unmet need for warmth and attention. They are the ones who are vulnerable to being bombarded with love.

You must do it

Helping someone addicted to a sect

Helping a person who has become addicted to a sect is difficult and requires the cooperation of the whole family. The most important thing is to maintain warm relationships and constant contact. Sometimes it requires a change in the way we communicate, which is best assisted by an experienced psychologist. You should ask what is going on, talk, don't let a man close in on himself. You need to show cordiality and interest, and not attack or ridicule. It is also worth using the professional help of people who deal with the problems of sects. You can find such facilities in every major center in Poland.

Cult victims pay a heavy price

Cult victims face enormous costs: dropping out of school, loss of job, family and friends, property, even he alth. Being in a cult for a long time can weaken your mental capacity. Many radical sects based on Eastern culture urge their members to follow drastic diets and meditation for hours. Hunger, lack of sleep and the habit of constant chanting are doing their job. People are then physically exhausted and stupid. The consequence of contact with a guru-healer is sometimes treatment discontinuation, which, for example in the case of cancer, usually ends tragically. - The sects use what's in usthe best, that is, willingness to love and sacrifice. The deepest layers of good, the dream of happiness - not only our own happiness - our best motivations … This is what becomes the subject of manipulation. That is why people who leave a sect usually experience a serious breakdown in faith in everything. They say they feel as if they have experienced a spiritual rape. A long time has to pass before they learn to live anew - emphasizes Anna Rygielska. The text uses the statements of Paweł Królak from the Center for Counteracting Psychomanipulation in Lublin www.psychomanipulation.pl

Where to go for help

  • Warsaw p. Dominikańska 2, phone: 0-22 543 99 99
  • Krakow p. Dominikańska 3/24, tel. 0-12 423 11 81
  • Gdańsk p. Świętojańska 72, phone: 0-58 301 45 61
  • www.badzwolny.eu
  • monthly "Zdrowie"
