Orthognathic disorders can cause migraines. Do you suffer from frequent headaches, your neck becomes stiff, do you have tinnitus? Better check your bite. It turns out that malocclusion may be related to migraine headaches.
70% of the European population is thought to havemalocclusion . What reasons motivate patients to start orthodontic treatment? 90% for aesthetic reasons. More and more people believe that straight and eventeethbecome an important asset increasing our competitiveness in personal and professional life. The rest are he alth problems that arise directly from malocclusion. This makes patients seek help from pain and postural problems. Unfortunately, few people are aware that the condition of the spine or joints may depend on the bite, and yet it is just like that.
A straight bite does not always mean correct
What tells about a correct bite and what is a bite anyway? Do evenly aligned, white, he althy teeth mean that everything is fine? Not necessarily. The masticatory organ is an organ whose proper function depends on the spatial relationships of tissues with different morphological and histological structures. The masticatory system includes: the upper and lower jaw with alveolar processes, teeth, temporomandibular joints, periodontium and muscles, the nervous system and the circulatory system of the facial part of the skull. Everything together forms the stomatognathic system. Therefore, a properly functioning chewing organ needs all its components to function properly. So you can have he althy and straight teeth, but an incorrect bite, i.e. an incorrect spatial relationship between the upper and lower dental arch.
The cause of the ailment is hidden in the malocclusion
All systems of the human body are interconnected, therefore the dysfunctions of the temporomandibular joints are closely related to the stability of the spine or shoulder girdle. Many patients confuse migraine headaches with temporomandibular joint dysfunctions. It is assumed that in about 80% of patients with severe pain in various areas of the head, neck,tinnitus , the source of the symptoms is a malfunctioning stomatognathic system. The use of painkillers and various temporary solutions such as massaging the temples, sleep, hot shower are only an attempt to treatsymptomatic. Causal treatment, i.e. treatment that permanently eliminates the cause of pain, is not implemented at all. These ailments may also be caused by a serious disease process on the part of the CNS (central nervous system) or the circulatory system. Therefore, it is extremely important to carry out a thorough diagnosis so as not to overlook any symptoms of more serious ailments.
Malocclusion and posture
The latest scientific research proves that there is a close correlation between the occurrence of malocclusion and faulty posture. It is very easy to explain the relationship between the problems located in the area of the temporomandibular joints, such as the sacroiliac joint or the joints of the lower extremities … distant musculo-osteoarticular structures. Proper diagnosis and therapy in such cases is a very effective and he althy alternative to painkillers. The concept of team treatment of stomatognathic system disorders connects doctors and therapists of many, often distant, speci alties, which simply refers to the philosophy of looking at the patient holistically. In this type of treatment, complex cause-and-effect relationships are the most important, which ultimately improve the functions of many organs and systems.
Crooked bite
What is the cause of a crooked bite? How a crooked bite affects our overall well-being and he alth. Listen to our expert dentist Iwona Gnach-Olejniczak from Unident Union Spa.