We already know that the female brain is constructed differently than the male brain. It also turns out that no homo sapiens super male can match women with, for example, intuition and cleverness. But this is not the end of the incredible female talents!

You usually know if your partner is lying to you. When you ask him a question, you not only listen to the verbal answer, but you record his reactions with your whole body. Even though you don't even realize it, your eyes, facial muscles, and hands mimic the behavior ofof a man . You start to feel the same emotions: you grit your teeth, tighten your muscles, your hands get wet … Yourbrainanalyzes these reactions in a split second and draws a conclusion: the interlocutor is afraid of something, probably hiding something.

Empathy is the domain of women

It is empathy, which is the ability to guess the emotional state of the observed person on the basis of observation of behavior, facial expressions, body movements and the manner of speaking. As a result, most women have a premonition of marital infidelity before it occurs. And, according to the recently published research of the American neuropsychologist Louann Brizendine, it is thanks to the female brain - a real feeling detector. Except a woman usually doesn't realize where her hunch is coming from. When alarmed, she bursts into tears and makes accusations, the man is amazed. She thinks "how does she know that?" and she wonders who reported him. Well, according to Brizendine, every man is "emotional blind". He cannot even put himself in one tenth of a woman's position and read what she wants. He can learn it, but he will never read her face like a book. Only women can do that.

According to an expertprof. Anna Grabowska, Institute of Experimental Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw

Today it is believed that men's and women's brains differ only in size - they are simply proportional to the size of the body. And the genders do not differ in terms of general intellectual abilities. Especially since it has been proven that a smaller female brain works more efficiently than a male large command center. Women's brains are more tightly packed with neurons. In women, gray matter accounts for a greater proportion of the total mass of the brain than in men. Therefore, women's brains work more efficiently, use less energy and age more slowly.

Discrimination of women

Even a hundred years ago smallerthe dimensions of the woman's head were a reason for gender discrimination. On this basis, scientists denied us the right to education and granted intellectual superiority to men. - A neurologist from Leipzig conducted research based on data … from a befriended hatter - says prof. Anna Grabowska from the Institute of Experimental Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. - For example, it was decided that the head circumference of a surgery professor should be at least 52 cm, and at 50.5 cm (one of the larger female heads), a normal level of intelligence cannot be expected. This was the mill for the supporters of the thesis that wise women do not exist. There was also serious scientific research. In 1882, British scholar Francis Gatton found that women are more sensitive to pain and men to harsh whistling sounds. It was later discovered that women hear much better than men, they like the color blue more than red, and they prefer to solve practical and concrete problems. Men, on the other hand, choose the color red, prefer abstract thinking. The results of these studies immediately protested by feminists, shouting loudly about discriminating against women.



  • has worse hearing
  • uses free vocabulary
  • has a better sense of perspective
  • tends to think abstract, general, theoretical
  • easier to remember information that creates a coherent form or has some specific meaning
  • has a well-developed spatial imagination, e.g. it is better than a woman to build a house from blocks on the basis of a two-dimensional plan
  • shows better hand-eye coordination needed in team games and has a better map orientation
  • is prone to aggressive reactions, has a need for competition, rivalry
  • has a well-developed self-esteem, greater self-confidence and self-confidence

Differences between men and women in careers

Today it is known with certainty that the careers of men and women, despite the fact that they achieve the same academic results, are different. The reason for this is that for both sexes success, money means different things, and that both give different importance to them. Men care more about prestige, promotion and achievements. Women, on the other hand, pay less attention to money, which is why high-ranking positions are dominated by men. Men are more spatially talented, more aggressive, they need competition and competition, hierarchy and rules. They have theoretical and analytical mind. On the other hand, women find details easier, perceive the information conveyed by gestures and facial expressions, and have a greater need for bondingsocial and intercourse with people.

That thick-skinned testosterone

However, the woman's brain has never been reliably examined and it has not been explained why ladies are so emotionally sensitive and why gentlemen are immune to emotions. - Even scientists have argued that women and men are basically the same - differ only in dimensions and in the fact that women give birth to children - Louann Brizendine scoffed in his latest book "The Brain of a Woman", which hit the bestseller list and relaunched the discussion on the topic of equality between women and men. It turns out that if the brains were examined, they were only male. Why? Because back then it was easier to get homogeneous data. After all, a woman at different times of the menstrual cycle has a different hormonal balance and, therefore, different behaviors. The author of "The Brain of a Woman" was the first to take up women's heads. It worried her why women became depressed much more often. Her first conclusions came to her when she found the data that both boys and girls up to 12 years of age (i.e. before puberty) suffer from depression just as often. "So I started to study the level of hormones in teenagers. I found that the female brain is so strongly shaped by hormones that they determine our talents and predispositions" - writes Brizendine in his book. For the first eight weeks of life, fetal brains remain the same, or "female". Only then does the male embryo begin to be influenced by testosterone. This hormone simply bombards the center responsible for communication, analysis of emotions and memories, and turns it into the center of aggression.



  • has better hearing and better visual memory
  • uses more conventional vocabulary
  • logs and stores more details as well as random and seemingly irrelevant information
  • prefers to solve practical problems and specific tasks, copes with them better than a man
  • is sensitive to sensory stimuli, can see and analyze the relationships between them
  • remembers events from the past better
  • is more accurate and neater
  • is capable of compassion, has more patience
  • has an intuition that consists in the ability to notice subtle changes in the environment and draw accurate conclusions on this basis
  • knows more about human characters and recognizes them faster
  • has a much more developed empathy than a man, i.e. the ability to empathize with someone else's emotions; is one of the basic abilities included in the so-called emotional intelligence.

World of people vs.world of things

It is hardly surprising that women are more emotionally and verbally sensitive (they say about 20,000 words a day), while a man is completely insensitive to the reactions of others, and he only needs 7,000 to communicate. words - sums up the American neuropsychologist. And he compares: in women, the eight-lane information highway is responsible for processing information related to emotions, in men - the highest-ranking national road! According to her research, girls function in the world of people from childhood, and boys - things. In the human world, you need to be in shape all the time, but you don't have to use a lot of physical strength. - A woman's body is weaker when it comes to a one-time effort, but much stronger in the case of long-term activity - adds Prof. Anna Grabowska. - Woman copes better with sleep disturbance. For example, if she has to get up to sleep with her baby at night, she'll wake up faster and fall asleep sooner. The man needs more time for this. But for Louann Brizendine, the main differences lie elsewhere. She remembers lectures in which she was taught that a child stares at the mother's face and thus learns to establish interpersonal relationships. - But this only applies to … girls - emphasizes the scientist. - Anyway, for my son, swings, lamps and door handles were much more interesting than my face! Now that I know why, I can't be surprised. What does it mean? A female newborn baby has the ability to make eye contact by as much as 400 percent. greater than the male. But more importantly, the difference doesn't even close with age. On the contrary - it grows and in adulthood becomes one of the main reasons for the disagreement between a man and a woman. This is why your partner doesn't know what empathy is, he can't read your face what you feel, what you want, he doesn't listen to what you say, doesn't read between the lines and of course he doesn't know why you're angry sometimes.

Venus and Mars in the bedroom

The brain is also a sex center. Here, too, the hormones have a voice. It is testosterone that makes men more sexually active. The greater the amount, the greater the sexual needs of a given master. The sexual awareness of men appears much earlier and is more important for them than for women. Their most important sense is sight, so they are excited by images of nudity. Meanwhile, women are more arousing sensual impressions. Boys can orgasm through sexual fantasies, and they have erotic, leading to erotic dreams. Most girls don't have them. Worse still, sex is so much a condition of a happy life for men that they become sullen and bitter without it. Women rarely do thisare experiencing. The author of "The Brain of a Woman" estimated that the female drive is two-thirds weaker than the male drive, and that it changes from week to week. An average 30-year-old man thinks about sex every 52 seconds. His peer two or three times a day. A man suspects cheating when his partner does not want to make love with him for a long time, while the woman - when he does not want to talk to her. "If you give a woman a lot of testosterone, she'll be constantly thinking about sex," says Brizendine. - And he will start to be interested in cars. If you give a man too much estrogen (female hormones), he will grow breasts. There is nothing to be shocked about - the differences between us are there. And when we get to know their causes, maybe we will understand each other better …

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