Agate, according to the beliefs of the supporters of unconventional methods, is a stone of balance and restores it in every aspect of life: he alth, intellectual and emotional. There are many color variations of agate, and the stone has just as many properties.

Agateis a ribbon variety of chalcedony. Its name comes from the Achates River (Dirillo) in southern Sicily, or from the Greek word agates, which meant "good" and referred to its properties.

It was known already in antiquity - in various cultures it was used to make amulets and seals. It was used by the Greeks and Romans, as well as Babylonians, and even Indians living in the areas of today's Brazil and the USA, Indians and Slavs - because agates are also found in large quantities in Poland, the Czech Republic and Russia.

Agat - different faces

Agate is a seemingly unattractive stone - gray-gray on the outside, only after cutting it shows its true face: colorful, sometimes multi-colored, and sometimes even prickly in the eyes with its intensity, but always with characteristic stripes.

Agate owes its structure and color to the process of its formation. They are formed in geodes under very specific conditions - in voids formed during the solidification of volcanic lava, which are gradually filled with solutions containing silica and small amounts of minerals of various colors - red, green, pinkish, brown or purple.

Agate - stone for all chakras

According to the beliefs of the dharmic religions and esotericism, agate is a stone that protects all chakras, i.e. energy centers in the body, or points where energy channels converge and prana energy accumulates.

Agate restores balance in every aspect of human life: intellectual, emotional, physical. It balances and harmonizes yin and yang energy, encourages meditation, promotes spiritual and emotional development, and increases self-awareness.

His energy encourages you to overcome prejudices, go off the beaten track and find your own way in life, heal grief, help you get rid of anger and encourage you to have the courage to start all over again.

On an intellectual level, agate helps to increase concentration and improve abilitiesanalytical.

Worth knowing

Agate is best worn directly on the body, e.g. on a wrist or in a pocket, but in such a way that it is separated from the body by no more than one layer of fabric. You can also put it in a glass of water overnight, and in the morning drink energized agate water before breakfast. Essences with agate powder are also available for sale.

Agate - he alth properties

According to advocates of alternative medicine, the energy of agate - regardless of its color and type - also helps with various he alth problems.

Applying agate to your closed eyelids can reduce the burning and irritation, itchy eyes, itchy feelings of dry eye, and even cataracts.

Agate also reduces skin rashes, itching (also from bites), helps wounds and burns heal, removes blisters, accelerates the absorption of hematomas.

It is said to work well with intestines (it removes flatulence, eliminates diarrhea), liver and urinary system (helps to remove kidney stones, reduces the bothersome symptoms of cystitis and kidney inflammation).

Agate also heals problems with falling asleep, removes nightmares, supports depression and longing, strengthens perseverance, positive attitude to reality, and logical thinking.

Agate - the power of colors

The abovementioned properties of agate apply to each of its types. However, because there are many types of this mineral, alternative medicine attributes to each of them additional, typical only for him, action and properties. Here they are:

  • Milk agate- it can be used for problems with the respiratory system, such as colds, runny nose, asthma and hay fever, as well as for motor organs: rheumatism, pain in the limbs and back . Helps with ailments related to sensitivity to weather (meteopathy) and cold limbs.
  • Blue agate- known as the stone of diplomats, because it fixes the throat chakra, which facilitates communication with other people in such a way that they not only hear, but also understand, and not they felt offended. It creates a delicate energy that calms down, helps to regain inner harmony and suppress the fear of rejection. It frees from problems related to the psyche - from stress, depression, and at the physical level helps with problems with the throat.
  • White agate- apparently carried with you, it effectively protects against energy vampires, brings success in life and facilitates success. Proponents of alternative medicine also argue that, like DHA supplements,It improves the work of the brain and increases intellectual abilities, it also works well in the case of hypothyroidism, as well as in other disorders of the endocrine system. It is also a stone that protects pregnant women.
  • Pink agate- is a stone that supports the work of the brain to such an extent that it helps to develop the gift of clairvoyance in people who are predisposed to it. It also helps reduce stress and open up to the needs of others, and supports the love between parent and child.
  • Black agate- helps to relieve stress and tension, calms, strengthens life force, supports the fight against depression and adds zest to life.
  • Shell agate(turitella agate) - is a stone with the addition of fossil turitella shells. It is considered a stone that brings success and facilitates success, and according to alternative medicine, it helps in getting pregnant because it strengthens the reproductive system and supports the treatment of liver diseases.

Read also about properties of other stones:

  • Pearls
  • Fluorite
  • Moonstone
  • Selenite
  • Chrysocolla
  • Tiger's eye
  • Rose quartz
  • Hematite
  • Aventurine
  • Jaspis
  • Cat's eye
  • Koral
  • Rock crystal
  • Lemons
  • Carnelian
  • Flint and striped flint
  • Aquamarine

Remember that the methods proposed by supporters of unconventional methods are not confirmed in scientific research and are not consistent with EBM. Before starting to use them, consult your doctor.