The moonstone owes its name to the unique sheen that has been associated with moonlight for centuries. For this reason, he was credited with magical properties, associated with the powers of the stars and the power of the moon goddess - Selene. In lithotherapy, it is mainly used for female ailments.

Adularmoonstoneis a type of orthoclase, or silicate. Creates crystals which, when smoothed, give iridescent silver-pearly colors or have a shimmering blue strand that moves when the stone is moved. This is called adularization effect, best visible on transparent stones.

Moonstones can be found in Sri Lanka, India, Madagascar, Brazil, Australia, but also in Europe, e.g. in Switzerland, Russia. They are rare in Poland.

Moonstone - full of mystery and magic

The moonstone has a long history. In ancient times, people admired its mysterious blue-silver glow, associating it with the glow of the moon. It was thought to form when the moon and stars illuminated ordinary stones.

Their beauty was believed to increase and decrease with the phases of the moon. They were credited with his power and treated as an attribute of his goddess Selene.

Due to these associations, it was a mysterious, magical stone dedicated to the night when the moon is best visible. It was treated as a talisman for good dreams, sewn into clothing to support the love of lovers, and also give fertility to the person wearing it. Often for this reason, it was worn as a talisman by lovers.

The moonstone was also used as a material to create amulets to protect people during journeys (especially sea ones), recommended to hikers and pilgrims - it helped in finding the right path and ensured a happy return home.

According to esotericists, the moonstone is a stone full of energy that affects human consciousness and the interior. It allows you to look inside yourself, which is why it is recommended for meditation, interpreting dreams and seances of clairvoyance. This is because it also affects your intuition. Thanks to this feature, it is famous as a stone that helps to read someone's bad intentions.

In addition, according to lithotherapy specialists, it has a calming effect and strengthens feelings such as tenderness, sensitivity, helps in showing emotions without hysteria and too muchaggressiveness. It brings harmony to human life and helps to turn on with fears and phobias.

It is useful for people who, at work and in life, often use their imagination, fantasies, and poetry, who work with color, sound, rhythm - in a word - artistic souls.

Moonstone and he alth

Lithotherapy often uses the moonstone, which, according to specialists in this field, cleans the lymph nodes and helps to eliminate swelling.

Because this stone was often associated with the female element, it is used as a remedy for female ailments in the periods of puberty, puberty and climacterium, in problems with menstruation and in hormonal disorders.

When we wear a stone for several hours, remember to give it a rest and clean it by washing it in water.

In the old days it was worn as a pendant between the breasts to increase lactation. As we have already mentioned, it supports fertility, according to lithotherapists, especially the one related to mental block.

Stones with a rainbow and pink glow stimulate female organs, bluish stones - the thyroid gland, milky ones - migraine and epilepsy.

According to some people who believe in the power of stones, the moonstone has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines and the skin.

Read also about properties of other stones:

  • Pearls
  • Fluorite
  • Selenite
  • Chrysocolla
  • Tiger's eye
  • Agat
  • Rose quartz
  • Hematite
  • Aventurine
  • Jaspis
  • Cat's eye
  • Koral
  • Rock crystal
  • Lemons
  • Carnelian
  • Flint and striped flint
  • Aquamarine
Worth knowing

Remember that the methods proposed by supporters of unconventional methods are not confirmed in scientific research and are not consistent with EBM. Before starting to use them, consult your doctor.