How to improve your everyday well-being when spring is not in sight yet? Snow weather clearly serves only winter sports enthusiasts. For most of us, snowfall this year is definitely enough, and the weather forecasts are not optimistic. Colors come to the rescue! The colors in our environment have a huge impact on our well-being. The colors are refreshing or make us feel refreshed. They inspire to act and calm down.

The weather - better or worse - strongly influences ourwell-being . How does the body react to the prolonged winter? The state of mind affects the environment and relationships with other people. And we are more and more irritable and apathetic due to the snow weather that has lasted for almost half a year.

Scientists have found that colors have a positive effect on well-being. It turns out that the white snow outside the window has positive effects - it is a remedy for stress and gives the impression of freedom and freedom (provided, however, that it does not hinder everyday functioning). Researchers urge you to warm your surroundings and introduce more colors to it - this is one of the methods that helps you feel bad. Which colors should we choose to feel better?

Coloryellowawakens to life because it is associated with holidays, warm sand and sun rays. This bright color in the environment is a kind of injection of good energy. Yellow accents in everyday wardrobe are strong, evoke positive emotions and give the impression that the person wearing yellow is more dynamic than others.

Greenrelaxes, increases optimism and self-confidence. Maybe green spring leaves in a pot will also increase faith in the quick arrival of spring? It is worth a try.Pinkis recommended for self-confident people who like to play. But beware - it is quite dangerous for people who are unstable and not emotionally mature - they may feel overwhelmed.

What aboutorange ? This color promotes positive thoughts and brings back the will to live. Therefore, a glass of orange juice at your fingertips will be a very good idea to fight the winter view outside the window.

Cyanhelps you make decisions. It is a good color for those plunged into snow apathy. Negativehowever, it does affect people who are often upset. For those,purplewill be better. It helps in understanding oneself, generates peace and quiet. It is a balanced color - it is made of a combination of hot red and cool blue. Therefore, it introduces a balance between the body and the spiritual nature of man.

Safe and warmbrown- smells like cinnamon, wraps hot tea in a warm blanket. Good for evenings with a movie or a book. Antagonistic to clear snow, it always remainsblack- a color that protects and is associated with mystery. However, in the context of this topic, it should be associated only with relaxing and regenerating … sleep.
