The pancreatic diet plays an important role in the healing process. Diet in diseases of the pancreas is most often used in the case of chronic and acute inflammation of this organ. The abnormal functioning of the pancreas can be dangerous for the body, therefore the purpose of the pancreatic diet is to relieve the organ and help it function normally. What is the pancreatic diet? What can you eat? Which products are indicated and contraindicated. What does a sample menu look like?
Pancreatic dietis important in the healing process and prevents many ailments related to pancreatic insufficiency. The pancreatic diet is an easily digestible diet with reduced fat and fiber. It is modified according to the patient's condition and digestive capacity. The more severe the disease, the more restrictive you have to follow the dietary recommendations.
In the treatment of the pancreas, we can distinguish dietary management in acute inflammation, the healing process after acute inflammation and in chronic pancreatitis. Disrupted pancreatic work results in impaired digestion of all macronutrients. It can also lead to diabetes mellitus as a result of damage to the insulin-producing pancreatic islets. Acute pancreatitis is a life-threatening condition.
- Pancreatic diet - nutrition rules for acute pancreatitis
- Pancreatic diet - recommended and contraindicated products
- Pancreatic diet - nutrition rules for chronic pancreatitis
- Pancreatic diet - menu
Pancreatic diet - nutrition rules for acute pancreatitis
- acute pancreatitis
In acute pancreatitis, the main organ damage is activation of digestive enzymes. This, in turn, is caused by the presence of food in the digestive tract. Therefore, in the case of acute pancreatitis, no food or drink is given orally in the first few days.
People with severe disease require intravenous or enteral feeding through a gavage with the use of special mixtures for enteral feeding. People with a mild course of acute pancreatitis are not fed orally for 3-4 days, and fluids and electrolytes are replenished intravenously. It is therefore useda few days fast. After this time, orally administered meals begin.
The first meal is a gruel in water with a volume of 200-300 ml. With his good tolerance, the patient may eat 2 more meals based on gruel, enriched with e.g. skim milk or boiled vegetables.
On the 2nd and 3rd day of nutrition, you can increase the number of meals to 4-5 and extend the menu with jelly, skim milk pudding or natural yoghurt. Another variety of diets includes mushy or solid foods such as vegetable puree, boiled minced meat, corn crisps, etc.
With good food tolerance, you can start expanding your diet based on the products recommended and contraindicated in an easily digestible diet with reduced fat.
- recovery from acute pancreatitis
For the first month, follow an easily digestible diet with reduced fat and fiber. Alcohol in any quantity is strictly forbidden, as well as canned and canned products. The basis of the menu are carbohydrates.
The 2,000 kcal diet provides 65 g of protein, 40 g of fat and 345 g of carbohydrates from low-fiber sources such as stale wheat bread, semolina, rusks, seedless jams.
Protein comes from low-fat sources such as skinless poultry, lean fish, lean dairy products.
Half of the fat in the daily food ration is fat contained in food, and half - the so-called Visible fat added raw to dishes. The selected fatty additives should be easily digestible and come from butter, vegetable oils or 30% cream, sometimes from egg yolk.
Foods should primarily be cooked in water or steamed. Vegetables and fruit can only be eaten cooked, initially as a puree. Raw, they are allowed only as juices and purees.
It is recommended to eat small meals, not too cold or hot, eaten 5 or even up to 7 times a day. Still water and mild tea infusions at moderate temperatures are recommended for drinking.
In the second month, the diet is still easily digestible with reduced fat and is based on the same recommended products. The protein and fat content of the diet is gradually increased.
The calorific value of the daily food ration slightly increases - from 2000 kcal to 2200 kcal. It contains 70 g of protein, 50 g of fat and 370 g of carbohydrates. Gradually increase the amount of fat and raw foods in your diet while watching your body react.
If you experience fatty stools or abdominal pain, flatulence, abdominal swelling, feeling of fullnessafter a meal, etc., you should periodically revert to your previous eating pattern.
Gradually, you have to try to introduce new foods, because the second stage of the diet is to lead to wholesome nutrition and the so-called basic diet.
In addition to cooked meals, introduce stewed meals without prior frying, baked in foil and parchment, increasing the tolerance to fried foods.
Eating fried foods is usually possible after complete recovery. The better you feel and the test results, the more often you can try including raw vegetables and more fat-rich foods in your diet.
Self-control and observation of the body's reaction to new foods is still recommended.
Pancreatic diet - recommended and contraindicated products
Half-meat and meatless meals |

Author: Time S.A
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Find out morePancreatic diet - nutrition rules for chronic pancreatitis
The diet used in chronic pancreatitis is a low-fat diet with increased protein and carbohydrate content. The most important thing is strict compliance with the total ban on drinking alcohol.
The amount of fat in the diet is 40-50 g. It is the fat contained in products and added to dishes in an amount of 20-25 g.
Protein is administered in the amount of 1-1.5 g / kg body weight. It should come from low-fat sources like skinless poultry, lean fish, egg white, and lean curd. Remove visible fat from products by cutting it from cold cuts, meats, removing the fat layer from soups, etc.
In the case of fatty stools, fat tolerance can be improved with pancreatic enzyme preparations.
Carbohydrates are the basic source of energy in the pancreatic diet. They should come from low-fiber sources, e.g. wheat bread, poured dumplings, fruit purees.
Tolerance to vegetables and fruits is very individual. Contraindicated are bloating vegetables and fruits: cabbage, onion, garlic, dry legume seeds, pears, plums and cherries.
If you do not tolerate raw vegetables, eat them cooked. Recommended culinary techniques are boiling in water and steaming, baking in foil or parchment, stewing without browning. Soups are cooked on vegetable stock, without roux.
Meals should be eaten 5 times a day at regular intervals and in a calm atmosphere. You should eat breakfast up to an hour after waking up, and dinner 2-3 hours before going to bed.
Meals should be of moderate temperature. Shop sweets, fast food, ready meals and other highly processed products should be excluded from the diet.
Worth knowingThe pancreas is both the digestive gland (which produces digestive enzymes) and the endocrine (which produces hormones). It is located in the left rear part of the epigastrium directlybehind the stomach. The pancreas secretes pancreatic juice, which contains enzymes that digest proteins, carbohydrates and fats, as well as hormones - mainly insulin and glucagon, which regulate the body's carbohydrate metabolism. In diseases of the pancreas, acute and chronic pancreatitis are distinguished.
Pancreatic diet - menu
Day I
- breakfast
Milk soup with milk max. 1.5% fat with small noodles.
- 2nd breakfast
Wheat roll sandwiches with lean curd and poultry sausage + peeled tomato (if tolerated).
- dinner
steamed chicken breast, boiled mashed potatoes + teaspoon of butter, steamed broccoli puree (florets only, no stems).
- afternoon tea
Kisel prepared on its own with homemade raspberry juice, rusks.
- dinner
Cooked white rice with boiled apple and cinnamon Day II
- Breakfast
Wheat bread sandwiches with a teaspoon of butter, lean cottage cheese and poultry sausage + peeled tomato (if tolerated).
- 2nd breakfast
Natural yoghurt + peeled cooked peach.
- Lunch
Cod baked in foil with dill, boiled potatoes, steamed zucchini without skin.
- Afternoon tea
Roasted vegetables (pumpkin, carrots, young parsley) sprinkled with a teaspoon of olive oil.
- Dinner
Tomato soup on vegetable stock with fine wheat noodles Day III
- breakfast
Boiled with milk max. 1.5% rice flakes with pitted raspberry mousse and a teaspoon of honey.
- 2nd breakfast
Fruit jelly with banana.
- dinner
Boiled turkey meatballs, stew of stewed vegetables (zucchini without skin, pumpkin, carrots) mixed for sauce, millet.
- afternoon tea
Light cottage cheese, freshly squeezed vegetable juice, e.g. from beetroot.
- dinner
Wheat bread sandwiches with a teaspoon of butter, lean cottage cheese and poultry sausage + peeled tomato (if tolerated).
- Ciborowska H., Rudnicka A., Dietetics. Nutrition of a he althy and sick person, PZWL, 2014
- Szpital Miejski Specjalistyczny im. Gabriela Narutowicza, T. Korab, Diet in acute pancreatitis,
- University Hospital in Krakow, Diet in pancreatic diseases,
- Szpital Miejski Specjalistyczny im. Gabriela Narutowicza, T. Korab, Diet after pancreatitis,