Homemade cold drops will effectively relieve a runny nose and the symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections. You can buy the ingredients necessary to make them at a pharmacy or herbal store. It is worth preparing them, because they can be invaluable support in the season of autumn and winter infections.
Homemade cold dropsis one of the specifics straight from the grandma's first aid kit. However, unlike many other preparations of this type (which it is not certain that they actually work), they are very effective, because they contain substances with proven and proven effects, including Echinacea.
Still, they're not a standard drug, so you won't get them at a pharmacy. However, in most pharmacies (and herbalists' stores) you can buy all the ingredients necessary to prepare them. See why it's worth it.
Homemade drops for colds: healing properties
Contrary to the name - not only for colds. With their help, you can also prevent - or effectively alleviate the symptoms associated with other infections.
Homemade cold drops :
- support immunity , preventing infections such as colds, flu, upper respiratory tract infections and bronchitis
- help with sinusitisrelieving inflammation
- clear noseduring runny nose, facilitate breathing
- have antitussive effectsand expectorant
- regenerate the mucous membranesof the respiratory tract.
Homemade cold drops - recipe
The preparation of homemade drops is not complicated, but it is worth doing in advance as the mixed ingredients have to stand for some time.
- 15 tablespoons of Echinacea juice
- 50 g plantain juice
- 20 tablespoons coltsfoot juice
- 20 tablespoons mint tincture or mint drops
Preparation:Pour all ingredients into a dark glass bottle, mix thoroughly, and then set aside for 5 days in a dark, cool place. After this time, the drops will be ready for use.
Homemade cold drops - how to use them?
We use home cold drops orally - oneteaspoon (5 ml) should be diluted with a small amount of water or fruit juice and drunk twice a day (morning and evening) for 7 days.
After this time, the dose should be reduced to 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 ml) and taken regularly (after dilution) for the next 4-5 weeks. After this time, a two-week break in the treatment is necessary.