Drinking half a liter of water before a meal stimulates the receptors in the stomach to produce a feeling of fullness, facilitating weight loss. Research shows that people who drink water before a meal lose more weight than people who do not use this practice and who are on the same diet.

Lose two kilos thanks to water
The idea of Professor Davy from the United States was simple: to study the effect of drinking water on body weight. Water does not contain calories, so it does not make you gain weight. But how can a neutral liquid lose weight? Numerous works by this outstanding scientist allowed to get a clear answer to this question. Davy studied two mixed groups of people who followed the same low calorie diet. The difference between them was that in the first, each participant had to drink half a liter of water before each meal, and in the second, not. A year later, it turned out that people who drank water before meals lost seven kilograms, while in the group that did not drink - five. Drinking half a liter of water before a meal stimulates the receptors in the stomach to produce a feeling of fullness.
It is interesting that people from the "water" group continued this practice after discontinuing the diet and additionally lost almost one kilogram. This method, which is completely safe, offers many advantages. We gradually develop a habit. This avoids the temptation to reach for calorie-rich alcoholic beverages that do not keep you hydrated at all. It is also a good way to avoid dehydration during the day. Water acts as a natural and safe hunger suppressant. I would also add that, contrary to stereotypes, drinking water before a meal should never stop us from drinking with a meal if we feel thirsty.
I also want to highlight adifference between drinking water between meals and before . Outside of meals, the feeling of fullness will be short lived as the water will leave the stomach within the next hour. By contrast, eating immediately afterwards allows you to change that. As a result, certain foods eaten well-hydrated will act like a sponge, which will put more pressure on the receptors in the stomach and send a message about satiety to the brain. It is enough to observe rusks soaked on a plate to understand the mechanism of this phenomenon. (…)
Water with lemon - is it worth drinking? [TOWIDEO]
Water with lemon, but not with the peel
Contrary to popular belief, grating lemon peel in mineral water or tea is not a good idea. It may taste good, but it is bad for your he alth. The explanation is simple: the grated crust in our glass of water consists of … the crust. And the peel of both lemons and limes is often sprinkled with harmful chemicals. I am talking about pesticides such as thiabendazole or benomyl, which can affect the functioning of the endocrine system. To better understand this mechanism, imagine that you throw a tea bag into a glass of boiling water. Water takes on color very quickly. Chemicals dissolve in your drink in the same way, except that you cannot see them with the naked eye.
If you cultivate this habit over the years, your body will gradually build up a significant amount of chemicals that could one day make you seriously ill. If you like lemon flavor in your drinks, there are two options that won't harm your he alth: either buy lemons that are definitely not sprinkled, or squeeze some juice into your drink. Thanks to this, it will have aroma and vitamins, which are the best things in lemon!
About the authorDr. Frédéric SaldmannFrédéric Saldmann- cardiologist and nutritionist, a world-renowned specialist in the field of he alth prevention, and the author of best-selling books on he alth and nutrition, translated into several dozen languages.
In the latest book"Your he alth in your hands" , which Poradnikzdrowie.pl took over the media patronage, Dr. Frédéric Saldmann shows that everyone has enormous possibilities to treat themselves and decide about their own well-being. In addition to masses of readers around the world, he was trusted, among others, by Roman Polański, François Hollande, Claude Lelouch, Alain Delon, Isabelle Adjani, Charlotte Rampling, Sophie Marceau, Christopher Lambert. Dr. Saldmann captures his vast knowledge in a practical guide, in which he reveals the secrets that allow you to stay he althy longer: there are, among others, instructions for an independent "technical review" of your own body and the correct recognition of signals, as well as ways to calculate the ideal amount of sleep or length of vacation.
Saldmann's advice, based on many years of medical experience and the current state of scientific research, is illustrated with real life examples and curiosities (why do we burn calories faster when watching horror movies? Or is it worth replacing push-ups with singing?), Which will help you understand your own body.
The longer the vacation, the better? Not necessarily. It turns out that it is more important for your well-being that they are scheduled at least eight weeks before departure. Behinda long vacation will cause the IQ to drop, and the level of relaxation will not change. Despite taking care of the diet, the weight will not budge? Maybe it's a sleep deprivation. Are he althy products on a plate a guarantee of well-being? It is not always important how to put them together and prepare them - it is worth knowing, for example, that whole grain bread and milk are an unfortunate combination, and improperly prepared broccoli will lose almost one hundred percent of beneficial nutritional value. It turns out that excess protein is like smoking twenty cigarettes a day, and kitchen sponges, shower handles and cell phones are usually more germs than a toilet seat.