Herbs will not cure diabetes, but some of them - when used with the consent of a doctor - can be a support for people with diabetes or pre-diabetes, because they lower blood sugar levels and help maintain its correct values, and also support metabolism carbohydrates and fats. Which herbs to lower sugar should you choose and how to use them?

Herbs to lower sugarshould be used both when the blood sugar level is slightly elevated, as well as in pre-diabetes or when the doctor has already diagnosed diabetes. The substances contained in them improve the functioning of the liver and pancreas, support the proper carbohydrate metabolism and proper glucose metabolism under the influence of insulin.
Thereforeherbs to lower sugarnot only lower sugar levels, but can also reduce or almost completely eliminate symptoms associated with fluctuations in blood glucose levels, e.g. fatigue or hunger.
It is worth using both single herbs with proven effect and herbal mixtures prepared either by professionals (you can buy them in herbal shops or pharmacies), or by yourself based on recipes developed by herbalists.
It is important, however, that the herbs are properly selected and do not interact with medications prescribed by a doctor - therefore it is so important that people who suffer from diabetes (or have pre-diabetes) and take medications, doctor, whether herbal treatment is possible in their case.
Sugar-lowering herbs: which really work?
Among the hundreds of herbs and plants known to us, only some of them have sugar-lowering properties.
The most effective herbs for reducing sugar are:
- white mulberry
- dandelion
- cinnamon bark
- rutwica herb
- medical sage
- juniper fruit
- nettle
- wild strawberry leaves
- blueberry leaves
- elderberry flower
- fenugreek.
Herbs to lower sugar - white mulberry
White mulberry resembles a white bramble - but it is much tastier than it. White mulberry leaf extract has sugar-lowering properties becauseinhibits the secretion of enzymes responsible for the breakdown of sucrose and starch, thus limiting their conversion into glucose.
An infusion of mulberry leaves also prevents the increase in blood sugar levels after a meal, allowing you to maintain the correct level of glucose in the blood serum.

Herbs to lower sugar - dandelion
Dandelion is recommended especially in the early stages of diabetes, because it contains inulin, which helps to regulate sugar levels and has a positive effect on the body's carbohydrate balance, it also lowers the glycemic index of foods and slows down the absorption of sugar from food.
Dandelion also cares for the proper level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood and has a good effect on the metabolism. It also works cholagogue and cholagogue.

Herbs to lower sugar - cinnamon
In Polish cuisine, it is mainly used as a spice. Meanwhile, cinnamon extract contains antioxidants that can regulate blood glucose levels by stimulating insulin receptors on the surface of cell membranes and making them more sensitive to this hormone - and this is what lowers blood sugar levels.

Herbs to lower sugar - medical sage
Also, sage can benefit blood sugar levels, as some studies in both animals and humans have shown. A study in rats showed that sage extract lowered blood glucose by activating a receptor that removes excess free fatty acids from the blood, which increased insulin sensitivity.
In turn, one human study has found that sage regulates blood sugar similarly to some diabetes medications. Researchers speculate that this is due to the active substances contained in sage, such as essential oil, tannins, saponins, triterpenes, flavonoids, organic acids, as well as vitamins and mineral s alts.

Herbs to lower sugar - fenugreek
Blood sugar is also regulated by fenugreek seeds, containing 20-30 percent. mucous substances and a number of valuable ingredients, including the amino acid 4-hydroxyisoleucine, which increases the amount of insulin released by islet cells of Langerhans, and polyphenols that improve the sensitivity of tissues to insulin.
Fenugreek eaten in the form of gruel reduces the postprandial increase in glucose, because it delays gastric emptying.

Father Klimuszko's herbal mixtures for diabetes
Except for singlesherbs, you can also use herbal mixtures - ready-made (in the form of fixes) or prepared by yourself based on recipes developed by professionals. One of the most popular are mixtures by Andrzej Czesław Klimuszko's father.
Herbal blends for Dad Klimuszko's diabetes:
A mixture of 11 herbs:
- 50 g of dandelion root
- 50 g valerian root
- 50 g blueberry leaf
- 50 g nettle leaves
- 50 g of birch leaves
- 50 g elderberry flower
- 50 g sage leaves
- 50 g of violet tricolor
- 50 g juniper fruit
- 50 g of rue
- 50 g bean pod
Make an infusion from the mixture, drink it 3 times a day, a glass 20 minutes before a meal.
A mixture of 10 herbs:
- 50 g of rue
- 50 g juniper fruit
- 50 g of the herb
- 50 g of linden inflorescence
- 50 g wild strawberry
- 50 g of bearberry leaves
- 50 g blueberry leaves
- 50 mistletoe herb
- 50 g St. John's wort
- 50 g of thyme herb
Make an infusion from the mixture, drink it 3 times a day, a glass 20 minutes before a meal.