For thousands of years, silver has been used mainly for jewelry, coins and everyday items. In recent years, he has made a great career as a protective agent against pathogenic microbes. Learn about the properties of silver.
There is a real rush ofsilverdue to its remarkableproperties .Silverhas become a desirable raw material for producers, among others medical equipment, cleaning products, cloths, even clothes. All this is due to the unusual property of this metal: silver ions stick to the cell membrane of bacteria, inhibit the release of enzymes necessary for the life of microbes and thus neutralize them.
Silver will beat the stick of blue oil
Silver particles have been proven to inhibit the growth of streptococci and the extremely dangerous blue oil rod, which is a frequent cause of difficult-to-control nosocomial infections. It is slightly less effective in some strains of Staphylococcus aureus. Due to these properties, silver is often present in hospital disinfectants and disinfectants, it is covered with surgical instruments, catheters and used to dress wounds.
Silver: an antibiotic in the kitchen and bathroom
The antibiotic effect of silver is also used in household chemicals. The nanoparticles of this metal are added to agents for washing refrigerators and toilets. Silver-coated water filters that prevent the growth of algae and bacteria are becoming more and more popular. In home first aid kits you can find bandages and disposable dressings with the addition of silver, and in wardrobe socks and underwear made of fabrics made with the addition of this metal, which provide protection against fungal infections of the skin.
Silver: the other side of the metal
The use of silver in everyday products should be controlled because excessive use of it can lead to microbial resistance, as in the case of antibiotics. Caution is also desirable because no thorough research has yet been done on how silver affects human he alth.
The material was created in cooperation with KGHM Polska Miedź. S.A.
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