Aloe is a plant that basically has no competition in terms of versatile applications and effectiveness. No wonder that the amazing properties of aloe are willingly used by manufacturers of medicines and cosmetics.

Aloe(both its flesh and juice fresh or solidified after drying, the so-called alona, ​​as well as the gel, i.e. the flesh after rinsing the juice out of it) is highly valued aslekand perfectcosmetic .
Aloe contains an exceptionally rich composition of compounds and substances that complement each other and strengthen their action. They contain all the water-soluble vitamins, numerous minerals -; incl. trace elements - enzymes, organic acids, volatile oils. The leaves contain 18 of the 22 amino acids found in the human body, including 7 out of the 8 essential amino acids that the body cannot produce and which are necessary for the proper production of protein. And finally, they also contain compounds with biostimulating properties that stimulate the immune system.

Aloe improves immunity

Aloe provides easily digestible vitamins and minerals, as well as mucopolysaccharides (including acemannan and glucomannan), which stimulate the activity of macrophages that destroy bacteria and viruses. They also increase the amount of substances that stimulate the immune system. Juices and tinctures of aloe vera will help to improve immunity and strengthen the body after an illness.

Aloe protects gums

Aloe has a bactericidal effect, reduces the number of viruses and pathogenic fungi, and at the same time stimulates the regeneration of mucous membranes and epidermis. Toothpaste with the addition of aloe vera helps to heal irritation and inflammation of the gums.

Aloe moisturizes and regenerates the skin

Aloe penetrates the tissues deeply and very quickly - it is absorbed 4 times faster than water - and also ensures that the skin is properly hydrated for a long time. It cleanses, firms and regenerates the epidermis and improves local blood circulation. Provides antioxidants to help fight free radicals responsible for skin aging. It has natural filters that protect the skin against the harmful effects of UV radiation. For dry skin, it is worth using creams with aloe vera.

Aloe soothes skin irritations

Aloehelps to keep the skin slightly acidic, making it more resistant to various types of irritation. In addition, it contains enzymes that accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis and anti-inflammatory aloectin. That is why cosmetics with aloe extract are perfect for sensitive and acne-prone skin.

Aloe accelerates wound healing

Aloe activates fibroblasts (connective tissue cells) responsible for the healing of the skin and mucous membranes. In addition, it has an antiseptic effect and additionally soothes pain, itching and swelling at the site of the injury. It is enough to put the cross-sectioned leaf on the wound.

Aloe protects the stomach

Aloe inhibits the secretion of hydrochloric acid and pepsin, substances that irritate the damaged gastric mucosa, which facilitates its healing. In addition, it normalizes the pH of the stomach at the level of about 5.5 and destroys microorganisms that cause inflammation. Ulcers are recommended to use preparations containing aloe vera flesh and gel.

Aloe helps with constipation

The peel covering the leaves of aloe vera contains substances with strong laxative properties - aloin and emodine (a large portion of leaf pulp can be dangerous to your he alth). The juice also contains small amounts of these substances. They are also found in pharmacy laxatives.

Aloe improves digestion

Aloe has natural cleansing properties, reduces unwanted microorganisms in the digestive tract and revitalizes the normal bacterial flora. It improves the functioning of the intestines and restores the acid-base balance in the body disturbed by an incorrect diet. In case of digestive disorders, it is worth taking aloe vera pulp regularly.

Aloe strengthens hair

Aloe accelerates blood circulation in the tiny vessels in the skin and at the same time provides a wide range of vitamins and minerals. As a result, the scalp and hair follicles are better nourished and the hair stronger, which is why aloe is sometimes an ingredient of conditioners and shampoos.

Aloe lowers blood sugar

Aloe contains active compounds - polysaccharides, as well as vitamins and minerals (including chromium) as well as saponins, B-sitosterol, salicylic acids and amino acids - which reduce fasting glucose by over 100 mg / dl. It has also been found that in patients with type II diabetes, aloe preparations reduce the level of triglycerides.

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