How to get a lucid dream? The techniques for inducing lucid sleep vary, but all can be learned - all you need is training, positive thinking, and patience. Find out what are the techniques for getting lucid sleep and choose the one that's best for you.
How to get a lucid dream? Techniques for inducing lucid sleepvary, but they all require proper training, positive thinking, and a little patience. Only in this way can you induce a state of consciousness in sleep and keep it under control. It is rare for someone to naturally become aware of dreaming without resorting to special exercises.
The techniques for inducing lucid sleep can be divided into three categories: psychological methods, physiological-pharmacological methods that are based on knowledge of sleep-wake cycles, the effect of psychoactive substances on dreams, and others.
How to get a lucid dream? Psychological methods
Autosugestiais the easiest way to lucid dream. One should simply go to bed with the intention of having a lucid dream.
Remembering dreams- we dream about something every night, but we don't always remember the content of the dream, and remembering the details of dreams is the key to lucid dreaming. Therefore, it is worth keeping a dream diary in which you should record every dream. IMPORTANT! Record your sleep content as soon as you wake up, even in the middle of the night. There is a fear that in the morning you may not remember it anymore.
The MILD(Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams) technique is a memory induction of lucid dreams. It is about seeing dreamlike elements while you are awake and remembering to recognize them in your dreams.
Read also: What is CONSCIOUS DREAM? What is lucid dreaming and how is it different from normal sleep?
How to get a lucid dream? Physiological-pharmacological techniques
The WBTB(Wake Back to Bed) technique is a technique for interrupting the sleep cycle. The dreamer wakes up after a few hours, and after more than an hour he goes back to sleep with the intention of lucid dreaming.
Nap- this method uses the state of natural, increased sleepiness at certain hours, e.g. in the afternoon. There is a greater one during daytime napsa chance for a lucid dream than during a night's sleep.
The "shamanic" techniqueis a method used by shamans from Mexico and Costa Rica. It consists in consuming infusions or roasted dried plants called "dream herb" or "African dream root" just before going to bed to induce a lucid dream.
How to get a lucid dream? Other techniques
"Changing" technique- after waking up from a lucid dream, you cannot move your body, not even your eyes. He pretends to be dead to increase the likelihood of returning to a state of consciousness in sleep.
Hand Technique- This exercise involves looking at your hands while you are awake to make you aware in your sleep. You should repeat them several times a day, just before falling asleep. Looking at the hands can be intertwined after some time by making their image in the imagination.
Relaxation techniques , such as meditation, make it easier to get a WILD-type waking dream.