Tablets and globules, chemical coagulation, electrocoagulation, cryocoagulation, photocoagulation - these are methods of erosion treatment. A gynecologist will select the appropriate treatment. It is worth getting rid of erosions, because if left untreated, it can give rise to cervical cancer. How is the treatment of erosions going?

Treatment of erosions: tablets and globules

Iferosionis small, does not cause symptoms,cytologydid not show any changes, and the woman did not give birth to children - the change should be monitored and visitgynecologist . Usually, he tries pharmacological treatment based on anti-inflammatory drugs that stimulate the erosion to heal. If there is vaginal discharge, your doctor may recommend vaginal pessaries or use a different method.

Erosion treatment: chemical coagulation

When the lesions are small, special preparations are applied to the erosion to eliminate the diseased epithelium. This is where the he althy is born. The therapy is painless and does not cause scarring. Unfortunately, it is sometimes ineffective and therefore coagulation has to be repeated at certain intervals, which is inconvenient for the patient. The disadvantages of this method include the long healing time. The treatment is best done in the first days of the cycle.

Treatment of erosions: electrocoagulation (so-called burnout)

It involves burning (but not charring) diseased tissues with an electric spark. An electric arc is created between the working tip of the apparatus (coagulator) and the passive electrode, i.e. a metal plate located just under the buttocks. The method is very effective because the doctor can use a small electrode to reach any sick place. The procedure is not painful, but the woman feels the unpleasant smell of burnt meat and the effect of electricity (unpleasant pinching). Usually no anesthesia is used. Electrocoagulation can (when too much current is used) cause permanent scarring of the cervical surface or narrowing of the cervical canal. The consequence of these complications are painful menstruation and difficulties with the opening of the cervix during childbirth. After the procedure, the epithelium heals up to 3-5 weeks. During this time, odorous discharge and spotting may appear. Burnout is best done right after menstruation.

Erosion treatment: cryocoagulation (freezing)

This is nothing but the induction of necrosis of the cervical tissuesa special electrode from which the compressed nitrogen flows. The procedure takes 4 to 6 minutes. The treatment is very effective and painless. Some doctors say it is a better method than electrocoagulation. Larger erosions must be frozen using several tips, which requires a lot of experience from the doctor, so as not to freeze the cervical wall too deeply. There may be a watery discharge after the treatment. Healing takes up to 30-40 days. Treatment is performed after menstruation.

Erosion treatment: photocoagulation

With the tip emitting light waves, permanent changes in the epithelium are made and the erosion is removed. It does not hurt. No scars are formed on the epithelium. The method is used to treat small and shallow lesions. Healing takes about two weeks. The treatment is performed in the first half of the cycle.

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