Each wound leaves traces. Some do not attract anyone's attention, but there are scars that are already a problem - primarily aesthetic. However, there are methods that allow you to get rid of them effectively.
Scars are best treated by a specialist - a dermatologist, plastic surgeon or cosmetologist - who, after careful examination of the skin, will select the treatment that will provide the best effect in a specific case. It's worth remembering that with mostmethods, time matters: the younger, fresher the scar, the better the results will be .
Not always - especially in the case of large scars - the lesion can be removed so that it is almost invisible, but in most cases you can get really satisfactory treatment results. Which methods work effectively?
1 Microdermabrasion.Usually during this treatment the so-called atrophic scars, e.g. after adolescent acne. The treatment is not complicated: it consists in mechanical rubbing of the epidermis layer by layer with a diamond head or a tip with corundum crystals, which rotates under pressure. Immediately after the treatment, the skin is red, but returns to its normal appearance after a few days. No dressing required.
2. Pressotherapy, or pressure.It is used on large scars on the body. It is not painful, but burdensome: first, a special suit is made to cover the scarred or scarred part of the skin - the fabric sticks to the body like foil, but the skin can still breathe. The costume must be worn continuously for three months - you can take it off at most twice a day for half an hour, during this time you must bathe and wash the costume.
3. Dermabrasion.It is also used to reduce large scars. During the treatment, a high-speed diamond head or a laser is used to remove the outer layers of the skin (apart from the epidermis, also the papillary layer) - its deeper layers remain intact, thanks to which the epidermis, which begins to regrow, is smoother and its color is similar to the shade of he althy skin. After the procedure, you need to wear a dressing for several days to prevent infection.
4. Injectingscars with steroids. The steroids "re-arrange" the collagen fibers, which are tangled in the scar, resembling the ball of wool they played withcat. Injections of steroid preparations in the appropriate concentration are administered to the center of the scar. Usually the effects appear gradually and are visible after several treatments performed several weeks apart5. Silicone patches.They are used after abdominal surgeries, caesarean section, removal of the thyroid gland, but also after injuries or burns . The plaster is applied some time after the injury - when the wound is already covered with new epithelium. The treatment usually lasts for a month. The dressing (under which the skin breathes) must be on the wound for at least 12 hours a day - it can be worn for up to 24 hours, but in this case it has to be removed twice a day, washed the wound, dried thoroughly and applied again.
6. Topical gels and ointments . They contain collagen dissolving extracts (e.g. sea onion extract). They are applied directly to the scar. They can be used only two months after the wound has healed.
7. Mesotherapy.This method is usually used in the case of scars, e.g. burns: the doctor gently injects substances that strongly stimulate the production of collagen (e.g. organic silica) directly into the scar.
8. Fraxel Dual or Fraxel CO2 laser treatments.They are performed in the case of hypertrophic, atrophic and keloid scars, good results can be achieved, for example, in the case of acne scars. During the treatment, the scar is irritated by the laser light - as it heals, the skin regains its former color and its surface is smoother.
9. Cryosurgery . You can get rid of some scars and keloids with this method. It consists in freezing the scar - the local action of very low temperature destroys the scar without the need for surgical excision. Even a few treatments are needed to see the effects. Their disadvantage is the relatively long healing time of the skin, which is usually from 2 to 3 weeks.