Obesity is a disease that deforms the figure. In men, unlike in women, fat is usually deposited on the abdomen. Male obesity, the so-called abdominal is a risk that you may contract several other serious diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, atherosclerosis, or high blood pressure.
Obesity called abdominal , professionally referred to asmale obesityis a disease that has hit more than 60 percent. Poles. Do you know it too? You are running and you feel that every movement is hindered by a smaller or larger "bag" of fat, which is located at the level of your waist. You pat him, joke with others about him, calling him "beer muscle", but deep down you are not laughing at all. More than half of men in Poland wear such "ballast" similar to yours. You probably hear more than once that you "earned" it. You remember work lunches drenched in alcohol, and forgotten, uneaten breakfasts. You reproach yourself that you like traditional Polish dishes - large and fatty portions, that you do not avoid fast food. You calculate how often you use your car, even for short distances, how many hours you spend at your desk and at work. You are reading the information your wife hints that one beer evening can provide you with several thousand calories. And you don't even wonder where those calories are. You see them "quietly located" on your belly. You know that a poor diet, lack of exercise, and stress all contributed to your obesity. However, you ask yourself how it happened that your colleagues lead a similar lifestyle and are not overweight. Why did she "catch" just you?
Abdominal obesity, the so-called male obesity
Obesity is a very complex disease that arises with the participation of many factors - the so-called environmental, metabolic, genetic, psychological and hormonal. Among them, the first - environmental ones - play the most important role, among them improper nutrition and low physical activity. A symptom of obesity is excess body fat. This is how unused energy is stored, which we supply to the body with food - either in too large a portion or composed of unhe althy ingredients.
In obese men, adipose tissue is deposited in the frontbelly. In ladies elsewhere on the body. It is related to the hormones. Females promote obesity of the "pear" type. Fat on the thighs, hips and buttocks is an energy store and a protective layer for the fetus during pregnancy. This is what nature has arranged. abdominalcovering the belly and chest belt.
Don't lose weight too fast …If you weigh, for example, 120 kg and decide to undergo dietary treatment, do not expect that you will be able to reduce your weight to 80 kg in just a few months. It is not very real. And if it does - it is very harmful to your body and its functioning. Safe for he alth and life, "losing weight" is a loss of 0.5-1 kg per week. The risk of disease development is reduced by 20%. already with a 10% decrease in the initial body weight. Give yourself time. Change bad habits, develop good ones. It is enough if your body weight drops to 100 kg within a year. Most importantly, the treatment works!
Abdominal obesity leads to atherosclerosis, diabetes and other diseases
In people with obesity, abdominal fat deteriorates their work. It raises the diaphragm, which makes breathing difficult. Uric acid levels are increased, which can put you at risk of gout (formerly known as gout) attacks. The likelihood of cancer of the colon and pancreas increases, in women - breast, in men - prostate. Disturbances in cholesterol management lead to gallstone disease and pancreatitis. If we are overweight, after many years the cells become resistant to insulin, and they absorb glucose worse. Too much is left in the blood and the pancreas has to make more and more insulin, which the cells cannot take in. The over-exploited pancreas refuses to cooperate. We can expect type 2 diabetes. The liver also suffers. The immediate vicinity of fat stores means that it goes to it in greater amounts. Therefore, eating too much and abusing alcohol can lead to fatty liver disease and greater production of triglyceride-rich particles secreted into the blood. As triglyceride levels rise, levels of "good HDL cholesterol" fall. Hence, it is close to complications of an intense atherosclerotic process, such as cardiovascular failure, heart attack and stroke.
It is easier to treat abdominal than gluteal-femoral obesity
We have good news for you: the so-called obesity ventral, as opposed to gluteal-femoral, it is easier to treat effectively. "Beer muscle" adipose tissue responds quickly to caloric restriction, especially when exercising.
- If the patient wants to convince me that he followed all my recommendations and did not lose weight,I don't believe him - emphasizes Dr. Małgorzata Kozłowska-Wojciechowska from the Institute of Food and Nutrition. - The woman is different. When she claims that she has hardly eaten but has not lost weight, she is probably telling the truth, especially if she has already been unreasonably losing weight several times.
The most important thing in male weight loss is reducing the amount of fat in the abdominal cavity, which translates into a smaller waist circumference. So, gentlemen - let's go! The best indicator of obesity, the so-called the abdominal circumference is the waist circumference. It must be measured at the level of the navel, without pulling in the abdomen. The risk of diabetes, arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure increases with waist circumference over 88 cm in women and over 102 cm in men.
How to lose weight wisely?How to lose weight wisely?
- Limit your portions, but don't starve yourself.
- Eat regularly. Don't forget about breakfast.
- Eat slowly, bite well, savor every bite.
- Drink mineral water before a meal - you will feel less hungry after 15 minutes.
- Get up from the table with an incomplete stomach (after a dozen or so minutes this feeling will disappear).
- Enjoy vegetables, fruits and grains - they contain fiber, which stimulates the intestines to work.
- Don't eat a lot of red meat, replace it with fish.
- Control the amount of fat - throw away greasy crusts, give up breading, bacon, black pudding etc.
- Try not to sweeten or s alt it.
- Avoid snacks - choose small amounts of nuts and seeds instead of crisps.
- Drink beer in moderation - remember that it stimulates the appetite.
- Don't indulge in late meals and sweets.
- Swimming, running, cycling, dancing - the bigger your muscles, the better you burn fat.
Poradnikzdrowie.pl supports safe treatment and a dignified life of people suffering from obesity. This article does not contain discriminatory and stigmatizing content of people suffering from obesity.