A large stomach in a man is often underestimated and treated with a grain of s alt. However, the accumulation of abdominal fat has very serious consequences. Obesity, the so-called abdominal is not only a disease in itself, but also leads to many he alth problems, incl. to increase blood pressure, the concentration of bad cholesterol and triglycerides.
Scientific nameof obesity, the so-called abdominaltovisceral obesity , i.e.visceral . Gentlemen, because this type of obesity is the most common in them, they jokingly call it "beer muscle". But there is nothing to joke about, because the consequences of visceral obesity can be very serious.
Why do men get fat on their stomachs?
Obesity, the so-called abdominal in men has two origins. Hormonal disorders are partly to blame, as the gradual decrease in blood testosterone levels contributes to the accumulation of fat in the intestines. However, the main culprits are poor nutrition and low physical activity. The humorous name of this disease comes from the fact that the formation of the so-called obesity. abdominal cavity is conducive to drinking beer and eating high-calorie foods. Less physical activity in men with this disease results not only from excess kilograms, but also from a decrease in libido associated with a decrease in testosterone levels in the blood.
Dangerous effects of obesity, the so-called abdominal
Visceral fat does not just accumulate in one place in the abdominal cavity. It's everywhere - around the intestines, liver, kidneys, pancreas. The consequences of this are considerable. Metabolic disorders lead to an increase in insulin resistance, which may lead to pre-diabetes, and then type 2 diabetes. Excess fat contributes to an increase in blood pressure, total cholesterol and its bad LDL fraction, and triglycerides (lipids). Hence the straight path to atherosclerosis. Visceral obesity is a component of the metabolic syndrome, i.e. diseases that include: arterial hypertension, disturbances in carbohydrate metabolism and an increase in lipid parameters. On the one hand, obesity causes these disorders, and on the other hand, it is a part of them.
Correct waist for a man
One method of measuring obesity is to measure your waist circumference. Ifit is equal to or greater than 102 cm - it's time to start treatment, because this result in the waist clearly indicates obesity, the so-called abdominal. Values between 94 and 102 cm are a warning.The correct waist size for a man should not exceed 90 cm . Measurement of blood pressure is also of great importance in assessing fitness. If a man suffers from abdominal obesity, and the pressure value is equal to or exceeds 140/90 mm Hg - specialist treatment, including antihypertensive drugs, is necessary.
Slimming men: change your eating habits
Without it, obesity will not be healed. abdominal. You should start each day with breakfast, eat lunch at work to protect yourself from hunger during the day (then you are more likely to eat sweets) and wolf appetite in the evening. You need to limit the consumption of fatty and sweet products and dishes, and introduce vegetables and fruit as well as protein of vegetable origin (legumes) into the daily diet. The way of preparing the dishes is also important - it is better to bake them than to fry them.
If you are serious about obesity treatment, make a note of what you eat during the day. The result may be surprising when it turns out that several thousand calories accumulated from the whole day of "non-eating". 2200 kcal is enough for a he althy mentally working man. An obese man should limit himself to 1,200-1400 kcal per day.
Physical activity is also necessary. It is hard to expect that after measuring the waist circumference, men with obesity will go to the gym right away. But maybe it is worth starting with a quick walk, which will turn into a trot, or even a run, over time. Occasional, even very intense training will not bring such results as regular, moderately intense physical effort.
ImportantPoradnikzdrowie.pl supports safe treatment and a dignified life of people suffering from obesity. This article does not contain discriminatory and stigmatizing content of people suffering from obesity.
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