Men are more prone to weight gain than women. It is also more difficult for them to lose weight. This is shown by the numbers. There are more men suffering from overweight and obesity in Poland (approx. 64%) than women (approx. 46%). Among men, the so-called abdominal obesity, caused by hormonal disorders - overproduction of cortisol and testosterone deficiency, but also by other factors - genetic and environmental.
Statistics are alarming. For 20 years, in most developed countries (including Poland), the number of peopleoverweight and obesehas been growing steadily. WHO (World He alth Organization) recognized obesity as a disease, entered it on the International List of Diseases and He alth Problems under the code E66 and counted it from the global pandemics of the 21st century.
Causes of abdominal obesity
Why in some menadipose tissueis distributed evenly, and in others only around the waist? It turns out that obesity of the "apple" type is not only the result of improper nutrition. It also depends on endocrine disorders - overproduction of cortisol and too little testosterone. In about 20 percent. men with obesity, the so-called Genetic (family) factors also play an abdominal role. Some environmental factors may also play a role: stress, smoking, alcohol, a diet high in saturated fat and table s alt.
ImportantIs it "apple" type obesity?
To find out, calculate your WHR (waist hip ratio). You will need a tailor's tape measure. Measure yourself and divide the waist circumference by the hip circumference. We consider obesity as the so-called ventral (visceral or "apple" type) if the WHR in men is greater than 1.0 (in women equal to or greater than 0.8). If you weigh too much, but the WHR index is lower, you suffer from gluteal-femoral obesity, or "pear" type obesity.
Exercises recommended for people with obesity
Physical activity regulates obesity-related metabolic disorders, lowers blood pressure and improves circulation. It is best to perform moderate-intensity exercises 3-4 times a week, involving large muscle groups. It works well here, for example, cycling and water sports - such as swimming. While practicing these sports, the spine and leg joints are relieved (overweight). A march can also be recommended,jogging, gentle aerobics, cross-country skiing. You should avoid intense exercise, as well as bending, jumping and running fast - they are harmful to the joints and spine. It is better to start modeling your body shape after a few weeks of weight loss.
Avoid anabolics
Anabolics are preparations that accelerate the absorption of nutrients, so after taking them, the body weight increases. They are dangerous because they contain powerful hormones. When used without medical supervision, which is the case most often, they do more harm than good. The list of negative side effects is long, ranging from depression and aggression to high blood pressure and sexual dysfunction to death.
Do you want to cure abdominal obesity …?- Find a specialist obesitologist.
- Look for motivation, e.g. in photos from when you were thin.
- Don't expect immediate results.
- Change your diet to a he althy one and start moving more.
Obesity is a life-threatening disease
Obesity and its symptom - excessive body weight, are a great burden, among others for joints and the cardiovascular system. In obese patients, it increases the incidence of arterial hypertension, stroke and heart failure twice. Obesity contributes to the formation of certain types of cancer - in men mainly colorectal cancer and prostate cancer. Due to the accompanying obesity, the so-called abdominal adiposity of internal organs, the liver and pancreas suffer. Excess cholesterol leads to stones in the gallbladder and kidneys. The fatty tissue in the abdomen lifts the diaphragm, which makes breathing difficult. With obesity of the third degree, the so-called morbid obesity ( BMI - body mass index- 40+) - we may have sleep apnea. This is a direct threat to life. supports safe treatment and a dignified life of people suffering from obesity. This article does not contain discriminatory and stigmatizing content of people suffering from obesity.