Until recently, it was said that heart problems are a rather male problem. But statistics have verified this view. Women get sick just as often, although 10-15 years later than men. And there's one heart-saving program for everyone!
When we do something nice for someone, we follow his will, we pour honey into hisheart . So much poetry. Because when we want honey to flow into our hearts, we have to try harder - take care of a he althy lifestyle, balanced reactions to everyday problems and a friendly attitude towards ourselves and the surrounding world.
The heart - what influences its functioning
Egg or chicken - it is not known which came first. It is similar with our body and heart. It is not fully known whether it is the bad work of the heart that determines the functioning of other organs, or vice versa - their condition affects the work of the heart. The truth seems to lie in the middle. Our body is a group of interconnected vessels and the disease of one of them certainly affects the other members of this system badly. It is known that increasedblood pressureweakens the kidneys, brain, eyes and intestines. But it is undisputed that anyinflammationin these organs weakens the heart. Suffice it to say that tooth decay can lead to endocarditis, and inflammation of the joints also destroys the heart. So do not count on "breeding" gingivitis, caries or neglecting the kidneys, that we will have a heart like a bell.
Abdominal obesity - fat tissue that kills the heart
This is the name of the fatty tissue that accumulates inside the abdominal cavity (the so-called abdominal obesity). The fact that it deforms the figure, as it turns out, is of marginal importance.
ImportantA bit of anatomy
The heart lies roughly in the center of the chest, is the size of a clenched fist, and consists of 2 atria, 2 ventricles and 4 valves. The aorta departs from it, branching into arteries. The heart's job is to distribute blood that contains oxygen and nutrients around the body. Oxygen-rich blood travels through the arteries to the cells of the body. The veins, on the other hand, pump blood containing carbon dioxide and waste products back to the heart. Blood from all over the body first goes to the right atrium, and blood frompulmonary veins to the left. The heart has its own electrical "installation" that enables it to perform rhythmic contractions. It is thanks to this electrical system that blood circulates. We also owe the work of the heart to gas exchange, i.e. the removal of carbon dioxide and the supply of oxygen. And how the heart carries out these tasks is influenced by the condition of the arteries, as well as the condition of other organs and the psyche.
Adipose tissue is an active organ that secretes substances that negatively affect the cardiovascular system and the body's metabolism. So these substances are the cause of, for example, hypertension, inflammation, type 2 diabetes, and finally atherosclerosis and thrombosis. They also damage the pancreas, have a bad effect on the liver and intestines. So, the fatter we are, the faster the cardiometabolic risk increases, i.e. the number of factors that cause heart disease, vascular disease, and diabetes. From here there is a simple path to the malfunction of the kidneys, eyes, brain, vessels, veins, etc.
The psyche of the heart
Cardiologists distinguish two personality types that negatively affect their own circulatory system. A person with A behaviors competes for everything, even with himself. He is constantly ready for action, he lives under time pressure. It can be hostile to the environment. He cannot relax, he does not go on vacation. He lives under constant stress, which is why he often gets a heart attack. His opposite is an individual with D features - completely helpless in the face of everyday problems, withdrawn, easily depressed. He is at risk of cardiovascular disorders, as well as ischemic heart disease, more often than the typical workaholic. Psychocardiologists also distinguish people with type C, characterized by the fact that they suppress emotions, avoid conflicts and are seemingly calm. But such people pay a high price for it - they suffer from depression or cancer. People with B characteristics are worth imitating - cheerful, positive attitude towards people, not interested in the more and more common so-called rat race, honors or exposed positions. This attitude makes them live longer and he althier than other people.
Stress decides a heart attack
Experts say that every stressful situation brings us closer to a heart attack, because it increases the risk of its occurrence by as much as 30%. Stress causes enormous havoc in our body. This is because our emotional state determines our behavior. For example, if we are depressed, full of regret or anger, we do not eat properly, smoke more cigarettes and drink more alcohol. Sleep is also disturbed, so we are constantly exhausted. If we eat too little, the body self-destructs because it doesn'tgets the right amount of nutrients. If, on the other hand, we like to eat because of stress, we gain adipose tissue and work on extensive atherosclerosis.
This is how stress works on your body!

Heart rate on the censored
People whose hearts beat more slowly (60-65 times a minute) live longer. Heart rate (pulse) is one of the most important symptoms of vital signs. A change in its rhythm reports on shock, stress, infection and thyroid disease. For a cardiologist, an accelerated heart rate (heart rate) can signal, for example, plaque rupture, which is the cause of artery closure and a heart attack. Continuously accelerated heart rate may shorten the life expectancy or contribute to the development of hypertension. The faster the heart beats, the greater the threat.
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