It has been known for a long time that obesity is a disease that requires appropriate treatment, because it increases the risk of developing various other diseases. The most common words are cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. But that's not all. Obesity can lead to sleep apnea, cancer, and inflammation of the joints or bones.

Unfortunately,overweightandobesitysuffers from nearly 70 percent Polish society. Every year there are more and more adults who are overweight and obese, but also children. Meanwhile,obesity treatmentis a long-term process, requiring a complete change in diet and physical activity, often introducing drugs or undergoing bariatric surgery.

Obesity treatment: what is obesity?

Obesityis a complex chronic disease, and many factors, the so-called environmental, i.e. improper nutrition and low physical activity, as well as psychological, metabolic and hormonal. More and more researchers of the disease emphasize the impact of improper work of the hormones responsible for sending hunger and satiety signals to the brain. These factors do not usually occur in isolation. Therefore, it is necessary to diagnose the causes of obesity in each patient individually. Pathological accumulation of adipose tissue in the body is a symptom of obesity. We talk about obesity when adipose tissue accounts for more than 20 percent. total body weight in men and 25 percent. in women.

Obesity treatment: how to lose weight?

In order, as doctors say: to reduce body weight, or "lose weight", you need to start with changing your lifestyle and diet. Regularity is essential in eating. It is not necessary to switch to eating only greens. It is important to eat regularly. It is important that you never feel full after a meal. It is also worth changing the lifestyle. If we do not have the time or money to sign up for a gym or some sports section, we should at least go for walks. A half-hour walk a day will definitely change your condition for the better. You also have to be careful not to be tempted by various prompts to take shortcuts. "Losing" a dozen or several dozen kilos is not easy. Requires a lotwork and effort. That is why you must not decide on suspicious diets or unknown preparations. Yes, there are various types of pills and slimming products on the market. However, we should not take them alone, but only consult a doctor. After all, every person is different. Therefore, he althy and effective weight loss should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor and a certified dietitian, after prior comprehensive examinations. The doctor or dietitian should also inform about the possibility of undergoing bariatric surgery when the BMI of the patient, i.e. his body mass index is 35+, and he suffers from other diseases (e.g. type 2 diabetes, hypertension, degenerative joint conditions) or when his BMI is 40 and more.

Important supports safe treatment and a dignified life of people suffering from obesity.
This article does not contain discriminatory and stigmatizing content for people suffering from obesity.

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