Fasting, i.e. a low-calorie diet, effectively extends life and protects against civilization diseases - obesity and diabetes. Before spring comes, it is worth having a controlled fast.
Until recently,postwas something normal, sometimes even out of necessity - the abundance of food we enjoy today is something relatively new to man. For our ancestors, it was a natural phenomenon that the amount and variety of food were limited from time to time. In prehistoric times, what and how much was eaten was determined mainly by the time of the year, the period of plant fruiting and the success of hunting. In times of numerous plagues, wars and crop failures, our ancestors were plagued by famines.
Post - hungry but by choice
Currently, many cultures periodically limit the number of foods or eliminate specific products from the menu, e.g. meat, sweets or alcohol. But giving up food in developed countries is usually a voluntary choice. Fasting, in turn, is supposed to support spiritual development, restore peace and balance. It is also often a time of joyful anticipation and preparation for religious holidays. In the Roman Catholic Church, limiting the number of meals (to two light and one more abundant) and giving up meat are introduced on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. It is also customary to give up eating meat every Friday. In the past, however, the number of posts was much larger. Meat and animal fats were excluded from the diet for up to three days a week! Dietary restrictions also existed throughout Advent and Lent. Islam, on the other hand, has Ramadan, which is a whole month of fasting, during which worshipers cannot eat or drink anything from sunrise to sunset. It is also the time of abstaining from smoking and sex. On the other hand, some followers of Hinduism completely give up food, the preparation of which causes animal suffering. Therefore, they exclude meat, its products and eggs from their menu.
The benefits of fasting - to eat or not to eat?
Fasting is attributed with a cleansing and revitalizing effect. Supporters of their healing effects assume that during a properly conducted treatment in the form of total or partial fasting, the body activates the natural mechanism of self-regulation. Comesthen to release and remove accumulated toxins. In addition, as a result of the failure to provide proteins and fats with the diet, the process of the so-called internal nutrition, that is, breaking down your own proteins and fats as an essential source of energy. The cleansing is thus intended to promote the resolution of degenerative diseases, e.g. atherosclerosis, and weight loss. Interestingly, weight loss during fasting should be proportional to the starting weight - overweight people can count on getting rid of more fat, while slim people do not have to worry about losing excessively.
Fasting - be careful with fasting
As encouraging as the prospect of a healing cleansing fast, it also has a lot of opponents. After all, no one is able to precisely predict how the body, especially of a sick person, will react to the lack or significant restriction of food. There is no guarantee that during such treatment (especially if it lasts longer), there will be no debilitation. Some of the people who tried therapeutic fasting became its true fans.
Post - the hungry live longer?
The impact of caloric restriction on life expectancy and he alth is sometimes taken with a pinch of s alt. However, it has been the subject of scientific research for years. Observations on various organisms show that caloric restriction increased the life span of yeasts, nematodes, flies and mice. In addition, rodents exhibited greater resistance to the development of certain cancers, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease during a reduced calorie diet. Promising results meant that monkeys and humans were also tested. Beneficial changes were observed when following a calorie restricted diet that simultaneously provided all the necessary building and regulating ingredients (protein, vitamins, minerals). Both in monkeys and in humans, the applied dietary restrictions protected against obesity and reduced the risk of cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.
Unfortunately, it has not yet been established how caloric restriction affects the length of human life. Therefore, scientists face many challenges. One is to understand the exact mechanisms that contribute to improving your he alth when reducing calories. Although reducing the amount of food is not an encouraging prospect for many of us, the detailed data on these mechanisms could become the stage for the development of new drugs. It is also important to know exactly to what extent you can reduce the caloric value of the diet without harming your he alth. It is known that at least some limitationscaloric values turn out to be beneficial, excessive energy deficit has the opposite effect.
Post - don't act rashly
Consider all the pros and cons when considering a restrictive diet or fasting diet. It is worth remembering that while a different diet can improve your he alth and well-being, it is not a magical healing agent. Diets and fasts are intended only for completely he althy people. In the case of most chronic diseases, a restrictive diet is excluded, and any change in diet must be consulted with a doctor.
It is worth remembering that by refusing to eat a specific group of products for a long time, e.g. milk and its products or meat, we can lead to a shortage of ingredients. It is possible to create a rational and balanced meatless diet, but it requires acquiring knowledge about the correct composition of meals. Sometimes, in the case of removing important products from the menu, special supplementation is necessary at the same time.
Post - excess always hurts
Nowadays we are more exposed to the effects of an excess than a shortage of food. Therefore, eliminating sweets from the diet, limiting animal fats and meat can be, above all, good for us. Applying a one-day fasting based on fruit and vegetables or bread and water from time to time can also benefit our body.
Long-term drastic reduction of calories in the daily diet, however, requires consultation with a doctor. The first fasting treatments should not be self-administered. It makes more sense to join a larger group, for example in a holiday center that specializes in dietary treatments and has medical care.
ImportantTypes of restrictive diets
- Fruit and vegetable diet- liquids (water, herbal teas, fruit and vegetable juices and vegetable decoctions) are consumed during its duration, and you can eat root vegetables in any quantity ( carrots, celery, beets), cabbage, onion, pumpkin, leafy, nightshade (pepper, tomato), and fruit - lemons, grapefruits and apples. Stimulants (tea, coffee, alcohol), meats, dairy products, cereals and cereal preparations, all fats, nuts and sweet fruits (bananas, grapes, apricots) are completely forbidden on the menu. Vegetables and fruits are served fresh, boiled or stewed, without any caloric additives.
- Diet based on plant products- meals are prepared from grains, vegetables, fruits, natural herbal spices are allowed. You can drink water and teasherbal, all stimulants, meat and fats are eliminated.
- A diet based on cereal grains- you can eat grains of selected cereals and fresh grain sprouts and drink fluids (water, herbal teas). In a restrictive diet, only bread and water are consumed. It is recommended then to choose traditional wholemeal bread.