Overweight in children is a more and more frequent phenomenon. If a child weighs too much, it must be changed as soon as possible under the supervision of a pediatrician. It is worth remembering that fat cells that will develop in a child during the first two years of life will never disappear again. This means that an overweight child may become an obese adult quite easily in the future.

If you suspect yourbaby is overweight , don't be afraid to see your pediatrician for this. Until the age of seven, classic slimming diets, such as those for adults, are not used in children. The doctor's recommendations for an overweight child will be rather to change the diet while introducing more exercise.

The pediatrician will also assess whetherthe child's overweightis not related to diseases, e.g. problems with the thyroid gland or the nervous system.Overweight in childrencan even affect infants. Babies who have been breastfed for a short time or have been breastfed since their birth are particularly at risk.

However, in the case of children who are overfed by their families and move too little, it is worth applying a few simple rules that will quickly help them regain their normal weight.

Overweight in a child: 10 simple rules that will help you fight overweight in a child

1. Introduce into the family tradition the habit of spending weekends with the family and exercising together outdoors. This is an excellent method to end overweight in children, and not only in the youngest! 2. You have an overweight child - do not use sweets as a reward, this is the easiest way to be overweight and reward your child with sweets for future successes when he becomes an adult. Do not point out to your child that he is obese. Reassure them that he althy eating and exercise will help them grow thin and shapely. 4. Serve meals at specific times on small plates and teach your child to eat slowly 5. Do not force your child to clean the plate to the last crumb if it signals that he is no longer hungry. 6. Eat meals with your child, away from the TV and computer 7. For dessert, serve fruit, a cube of chocolate, or ice sorbet instead of heavy custard cookies or bars. this rule seems obvious, but eating sweets too often contributes to obesity inany age 8. Pay attention to when your child reaches for excess snacks. Try to avoid these situations and replace them with the child's focus on another activity. 9. After lunch is over, clean the table quickly so that there are as few excuses as possible for more. 10. Don't praise your child for eating extra servings. Do not persuade him to eat for mom, dad, grandma. If you are the parent of an overweight child, remember not to give your baby too many protein foods (dairy, meat and cold cuts) and sugar. Get your child used to eating vegetables, fruit, and natural yoghurts. Avoid artificial products such as powdered sauces.


Research results published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition show that a newborn is 15 percent. body fat. Its amount increases in the first 6 months of life by up to 25%. However, as the child's mobility develops, adipose tissue should drop to 15% again. If this does not happen and it exceeds 20%, the child will be overweight, which may become dangerous to he alth over time. That is why it is recommended to deprive the child of overweight by the age of two.

Every fifth student in Poland is overweight. The disgraceful example is given by adults

According to the data of the Food and Nutrition Institute, every fifth student in Poland is overweight or obese, and Polish children are among the fastest weight gainers in Europe. Simple sugars, animal fats, s alt and snacks that go to children's plates in too much are to blame. Developing good eating habits is a process in which parents play a huge role. Unfortunately, it is adults who often set the infamous example - 64 percent. men and 49 percent. women in Poland have excessive body weight. Therefore, nutritionists advise to change habits in solidarity with the whole family.

Source: Lifestyle.newseria.pl
