Overweight and obesity have a critical impact on the condition of the entire musculoskeletal system, i.e. the skeleton, joints, ligaments and muscles. The pressure of the excess body weight is felt most acutely by the feet. Additional load on a small area of the feet may cause their muscular and ligamentous failure, lead to many foot defects and, consequently, also to e.g. knee valgus and back pain. We advise how to take care of your feet when you are overweight and obese to keep them in good shape.
Move smart
One method of treating overweight and obesity isphysical activity . In addition to the appropriatediet , it is one of the main elements of the so-calledconservative therapy . - In order for the movement to fulfill its therapeutic role, taking up increased activity should be preceded by a visit to a physiotherapist who will check the posture, conduct an examination of the feet and, depending on the diagnosis, order the appropriate therapy. Movement activities improperly matched to the he alth of an overweight, obese person and the condition of their locomotor system can cause many he alth problems - explains Dr. Joanna Stodolna-Tukendorf, physiotherapist from "FootMedica".
Specialists in the treatment of overweight and obesity, as well as warn against self-introduction of drastic weight loss (reduction) diets, which may lead to the "yo-yo" (re-gaining weight) effect and deterioration of he alth, they also recommend, to introduce physical activity gently. This process should take place under the supervision of a qualified trainer who will adjust the exercises to individual abilities. Initial activation should involve relieving exercises, such as riding a bicycle ergometer, walking, exercising in the pool, and then Nordic walking, and exercising in the gym or Pilates.
Check your feet before training
Each of us should report to the orthopedic podiatry clinic before starting exercises and training, but this recommendation applies especially to overweight or obese people. It is important that the specialist carries out a professional foot examination and excludes the possibility of foot defects affecting the higher parts of the musculoskeletal system.
- Patients are often surprised by the course of the foot examination. It consists of several steps and is carried out on various devicesdiagnostic. And this is just the beginning of the examination of the entire musculoskeletal system. We must remember that the he alth of the upper parts of our body depends on the condition of the feet: the knee and hip joints, and finally the spine. That is why it is so important to examine the entire musculoskeletal system in detail, explains Dr. Stodolna-Tukendorf.
Foot examinationsare generally divided intostaticanddynamic . They are carried out on such diagnostic devices as a podoscope, a plantograph or a strain gauge mat. The research results provide the necessary information about :
- symmetry or asymmetry of the load on both sides of the body,
- weight distribution on the feet,
- location of the center of gravity on the foot and its influence on its position, e.g. pelvic rotation, and even the position of the head and shoulder girdle,
- movement pattern and foot roll path.
Choose the appropriate therapy
After a comprehensive examination, the specialist selects an individual therapeutic procedure for each overweight or obese patient, which may include:
- Manual therapy , which is a safe and effective form of rehabilitation for people with neuromuscular and skeletal dysfunctions, involving targeted work with tissues in which the therapist diagnosed abnormalities during the examination. Manual therapy includes, among others joint mobilization, trigger point therapy consisting in pressing the appropriate points on the body by the therapist in order to reach painful areas, post-isometric relaxation and muscle energization techniques restoring the balance of muscle tensions.
- Functional therapy , the aim of which is to restore the disturbed or lost motor function to the extent that the body allows. Exercises in this therapeutic form are modeled on natural movements performed in everyday life, thanks to which it is painless and allows you to quickly achieve the intended goal.
- Fascial therapy . The fascia is a membrane made of connective tissue that covers and connects the muscles. In order for the fascia to work properly, it is necessary to move between its layers, the so-called shoe. And this movement is possible thanks to the liquid substance that produces hyaluronic acid and supplies the muscles with nutrients. Fascia therapy is based on a specific, targeted tissue displacement - as if an intense massage that restores the proper glide and gives the direction of the fascia's work. Fascial displacement may be impaired as a result of long-term, permanent habitual posture, mechanical trauma, surgery and scar formation.
- Exercisedeep muscles to stabilize the trunk and limbs . Deep muscles are those that cannot be seen at first glance. Midwives are in the deeper layers of the abdomen and also at the spine. They are responsible, inter alia, for the quantity and quality of movement between individual segments of the spine. An erect posture, the ability to maintain a proper body posture while standing, sitting, exercising and performing everyday activities depend on good performance of the deep muscles.
- Making individual corrective inserts.Thanks to them, the foot will be properly positioned, particularly sensitive areas are relieved, the negative impact on the higher levels of the musculoskeletal system is minimized, and the entire biomechanics of the lower limb is more streamlined. Changing the foot position will positively affect the work of the entire lower limb, and then the pelvis and spine.
Along with the reduction of body weight and increase in the body's efficiency, it is necessary to modify both the diet and physical activity, as well as reforming the corrective insoles to correspond to the current foot disorders.
Take care of your feet every day!How to take care of overweight or obese feet on a daily basisadvises Sylwia Śląskiewicz, podologist from "FootMedica"
1. A heavy load caused by excessive body weight, without adequate cushioning, can cause overloads in the large joints of the lower limbs. To avoid this, wearcomfortable footwear with a soft, shock-absorbing and thicker sole .
2. Obesity is often associated with cardiovascular and water disorders. Their effect is swelling of the feet. In order to counteract edema, the so-calledblood vessel gymnasticsin the form offoot massagesandsoaking alternating them in warm and cold water with the addition of sea s alt .
3. The spaces between the toes of people with obesity are narrowed. With increased hyperhidrosis in the spaces between the fingers, especially in the 3rd and 4th toes, the epidermis may macerate and, consequently, lead to fungal infections. To prevent this from happening, wearlight shoes made of natural materials , and thoroughly dry the areas between your toesafter each bath, shower, swimming pool etc. .
4. Fleshy nail shafts and greater body weight cause the toenails to sink in and have a greater tendency to ingrowth. Take care of your toenails by shortening them properly -do not cut the sides of the toenails ,keep them straightwithout rounding the sides too much.
5. The more severe obesity is, the greater it isyou may have trouble bending over and carefully grooming your feet. So put them in the hands of specialists. Regularly in the podiatry clinictherapeutic pedicureconsisting in proper cleaning of nails and calloused epidermis, including calluses and corns that arise as a result of excessive pressure.
ImportantDo you have 2nd or 3rd degree obesity? Are you looking for information about bariatric surgeries,which is the surgical treatment of obesity? Visit the website:OBESITYpodSKALPEL
Poradnikzdrowie.pl supports safe treatment and a dignified life of people suffering from obesity. This article does not contain discriminatory and stigmatizing content of people suffering from obesity.
About the author
Physiotherapist and orthopodologist. Substantive director of the FootMedica clinic of the He althy Foot Clinic. He cooperates with the Nature Treatment and Rehabilitation Center. She wrote her doctoral dissertation on constitutional hypermobility (congenital joint laxity), which contributed to her interest in foot issues. He conducts training in the field of diagnostics and therapy of feet as well as orthotic supplies as part of the Pro Pedis company. He is a certified manual therapy therapist according to the concept of K altenborn and Evjenth. He takes part in many congresses and scientific symposia in the field of physiotherapy, cosmetology, and manual therapy in Poland and abroad. She has translated courses and scientific publications on manual therapy, orthopedics and physiotherapy. She is the author of papers and publications on hypermobility, stabilization disorders and disorders of the foot and their impact on the locomotor system. She is a master of physiotherapy and a licensed cosmetologist, substantive director of the FootMedica chain of the He althy Foot Clinic, cooperates with the Natura Therapeutic and Rehabilitation Center. http://www.footmedica.pl/