Sanpin is a blend of green tea and jasmine flowers, the properties of which have been known to the inhabitants of Okinawa for years. However, it is only now gaining immense popularity. Sanpin is a treasury of antioxidants - substances that can prevent the development of, among others, tumors. In addition, sanpin tea is a proven way to lose weight. Check what other actions sanpin tea has.
Sanpin(sanpin cha) is a blend of Chinese green tea and jasmine flowers whosepropertieshave been known to Okinawa residents for years. On the Japanese island, Sanpin tea is drunk an average of three cups a day. Tea can be found in many forms and in many places, even in a vending machine. In addition to the properties of green tea, it also has the benefits of jasmine tea.
Sanpin - anti-cancer properties
The conducted research indicates the anti-cancer effect of green tea polyphenols, which may suggest the fact that people living in Asia, who often consume green tea, have a much lower incidence of cancer than in Western countries. The polyphenols in green tea are catechins such as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), epicatechin (EC), epigallocatechin (EGC), epicatechin gallate (ECG). They are antioxidants that protect the cell against damage caused by free radicals, which can lead to the development of cancer.
Sanpin tea has potential anti-cancer properties thanks to its main active ingredient - epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).
It has been shown that catechins in green tea can reduce the risk of, among others, prostate cancer and inhibit the growth of an existing cancer. In one study, patients scheduled for radical surgery for prostate cancer drank green tea, black tea, or soda 5 times a day for 5 days. Bioavailable tea polyphenols were found in prostate tissue samples from patients who drank green or black tea. In addition, prostate cancer cells that were cultured with blood from patients after consuming the tea grew and dividing more slowly than cells treated with blood from patients before consuming the tea.1
Sanpin can prevent heart disease andutensils
The polyphenols in green tea can help prevent cardiovascular disease. The multidirectional effect of green tea, confirmed by medical observations, indicates that it reduces the risk of coronary heart disease, prevents hypertension and atherosclerosis. Green tea lowers blood pressure mainly due to the content of EGCG. This substance indirectly leads to the expansion of blood vessels, thanks to which the blood pressure is lowered. In addition, EGCG inhibits platelet aggregation, preventing the increase in pressure caused by narrowing of the lumen of the blood vessels. Green tea has antiatherosclerotic properties by reducing the concentration of "bad" LDL cholesterol, platelet aggregation, and lowering blood pressure. Green tea can lower the risk of stroke by reducing high blood pressure, improving endothelial function, and inhibiting lipoprotein oxidation. It also protects against the effects of a heart attack.2
Sanpin can protect against Alzheimer's disease
Sanpin tea polyphenols bind to toxic compounds (hydrogen peroxide and beta-amyloid) that play an important role in the development of Alzheimer's disease. After being absorbed by the body, polyphenols and toxins break down, transforming into a harmless mixture of compounds. This was proved by, among others British scientists from the University of Newcastle, in collaboration with the Scottish cereal-growing institute in Dundee.3The research aimed to determine whether the he alth benefits of green tea, observed after fresh brewing, work after it digestion by the body. The result was positive.
- The body absorbs green tea thanks to enzymes in the intestine. Chemicals produced by the digestion process are more effective at fighting Alzheimer's stimulants than un-digested green tea, says Dr. Ed Okello, one of the research team members. Two compounds play an important role in the development of Alzheimer's. The first is hydrogen peroxide - an inorganic compound from the group of peroxides, the second is a protein known as beta-amyloid. Previous research has shown that polyphenols bind to toxic components and protect brain cells. After being absorbed by the body, polyphenols break down to form a mixture of compounds, and these compounds were the subject of research by scientists from Newcastle and Dundee.
Sanpin tea in the fight against obesity
Green tea reduces body weight and fat tissue mass. It has been observed in numerous epidemiological studies that people who consumed green tea regularly for a long time had a lower tissue contentcompared to people who do not consume green tea. Green tea has been shown to inhibit the absorption of fat and glucose by modulating the action of digestive enzymes. In addition, it prevents obesity by stimulating thermogenesis by stimulating the sympathetic nervous system. Although the exact mechanisms of green tea action require further research, the existing evidence of its beneficial effects should form the basis for recognizing green tea as an effective therapeutic agent helpful in both the prevention and long-term treatment of obesity.4
Sanpin has an anti-stress effect
Jasmine, which is an ingredient of sanpin tea, is used as a medicinal plant, mainly in Southeast Asia. The scent of jasmine is believed to have an anti-stress and calming effect. This is confirmed by research published in "Molecular Nutrition & Food Research", which showed that green jasmine tea has calming properties, soothes the nerves and improves mood.5
Worth knowingHow to brew Sanpin tea?
Pour a teaspoon of dried fruit into a glass of water at 80 degrees Celsius. It should be fresh water, once boiled. The tea should not be brewed for more than 3-4 minutes.
2. Turek I., Kozińska J., Drygas W., Green tea as a protective factor in the prevention and treatment of selected heart and vascular diseases, "Kardiologia Polska" 2012
3. Protective properties of green tea uncovered,
4. Stępień M., Szulińska M., Bogdański P., Pupek-Musialik D., "The role of green tea extract in the treatment of obesity", Metabolic Disorders Forum 2011, vol. 2, no. 4
5. Sensory evaluation of the synergism among odorants present in concentrations below their odor threshold in a Chinese jasmine green tea infusion,