The Ombudsman for Patients' Rights has appointed a team of experts whose task will be to counteract discrimination and stigmatization of people suffering from obesity in medical facilities. This is a joint initiative of the MPC Office and the Foundation for People with Obesity OD-WAGA.
Refusal to provide a medical service, lack of diagnostic and therapeutic equipment adapted to the needs of people with a body weight of over 120 kg and treatment that offends human and patient dignity - these are the main problems reported by people suffering from obesity to the Ombudsman for Patients' Rights. In order to counteract discrimination against obese people in accessing the treatment and medical care system, the Defender invited a team of experts from various areas related to the treatment and rehabilitation of this group of patients to cooperate.
The aim of the team appointed by the MPC is to develop good practices for the staff of entities performing medical activities in the field of management, procedures and methods of communication with obese patients.
The first team meeting took place on September 5th. The team was composed of representatives of the Patient Ombudsman's Office, doctors, experts in obesitology, i.e. treatment of overweight and obesity - prof. dr hab. Magdalena Olszanecka - Glinianowicz, President of the Polish Society for Research on Obesity, Mariusz Wyleżoł, MD, PhD and Aleksandra Mojkowska, MD, PhD (both bariatric surgeons), sociologist - Dr. Krzysztof Sobczak from the Department of Sociology of Medicine and Social Pathology of the University of Warsaw in Gdańsk, and also representatives of the self-government of nurses and physiotherapists and patient organizations acting for the benefit of people with obesity - Magdalena Gajda, President of the Obesity Patients Foundation OD-WAGA, Social Ombudsman for Obesity Patients and Katarzyna Partyka, President of the CHLO Bariatric Patient Association.
The team work mode allows for reporting problems, observations and comments regarding the creation of the document. They can be sent to the following address: [email protected]