First New Year's Eve, then carnival … Do you want to lose weight quickly before the party, because after the festive feast you do not fit into the dress? Even if there are only a few days left before the ball, there is a chance to get rid of a few kilos effectively. Find out which three-day diet will help you lose weight before the New Year's Eve or Carnival party.
New Year's Eve partyin a few days, thencarnival … And youafter Christmastorments question:how to lose weight quickly ? Don't worry, these few days will be enough to slim your waist and lose a kilo or two. Here are some effective three-day diets to help you with this, we don't promise miracles. It is difficult to burn even half a kilo of fat in such a short time. To lose only 100 g of fat, you need to use 700 kcal - this is the effect of, for example, a 14-kilometer vigorous walk. However, thanks to our tips, you will quickly slim your figure, losing a few centimeters at the waist, you will feel fresh and light. You will get rid of excess water from the body, and with it toxic substances that have accumulated after the Christmas marathon abundant in meat and sweets.
Slimming before the party: start your day with a glass of water
Regardless of which of the three-day diets you choose, try to stimulate the digestive system to work better. In order for the intestines to perform their task efficiently and to get rid of the remnants of undigested food, they should receive an adequate dose of fluids every day. Food with a thinner consistency is more easily digested and excreted. Therefore, in the morning, drink a glass of lukewarm water on an empty stomach - it will additionally help you to regulate your bowel movements. It is also good to drink water half an hour before meals, it will make you feel full faster and therefore eat less. It is worth adding a few drops of lemon juice to it (it speeds up the metabolism). To increase the amount of fluid in your diet, remember about light soups, unsweetened fruit and vegetable juices, and weak tea (but not black tea, because it has a lot of tannins that are exasperating). Herb and fruit teas are also excellent. Wild rose is especially worth recommending. It provides a lot of vitamin C (it is necessary for the proper metabolism), it also has diuretic properties and facilitates the excretion of water from the body.
Eat regularly before the party,oxygenate the body
It might seem that the easiest way is to lose a few pounds by starving yourself for a few days. Nothing could be more wrong! A hunger strike will make the body switch to the saving mode and slow down the metabolism so that, despite the lack of food, the internal organs do not run out of energy. You should do the opposite: make him reach for his caloric stores, which he stores in adipose tissue. How to do it? Eat low-calorie meals at regular times: just digesting them will consume some calories. The metabolism also requires an appropriate dose of oxygen, without it, the combustion processes in the cells cannot take place. And the best way to get enough oxygen while on the move, for example during a brisk walk. The lungs get more oxygen and the blood circulates it around the body faster.
3-day diet for busy people
You eat 5 meals a day, give up s alt and sugar. Between meals you drink a lot of herbal teas of St. John's wort, chamomile, and mint.DAY 1Breakfast: tomato juice with chopped celery, 1/2 cup of lean cottage cheese with parsley, 2 slices of bread II breakfast: apple Lunch: head of lettuce with a tablespoon of olive oil and lemon juice, egg Hard boiled afternoon tea: a cup of fruit yogurt Dinner: salad of any vegetables and sprouts, a slice of breadDAY 2Breakfast: natural yoghurt with green cucumber and herbs, 2 slices of bread II breakfast: banana Lunch: salad of any vegetables with a piece of lean cottage cheese, a slice of bread, a glass of vegetable juice Afternoon tea: fruit salad Dinner: 3 potatoes topped with yogurt with chopped garlicDAY 3Breakfast: multi-vegetable juice with parsley, 2 slices of bread, cottage cheese with chives II breakfast: apple Lunch: any boiled vegetables, hard-boiled egg Tea: a cup of yogurt with fruit Dinner: 3 slices of ham, lettuce, a slice of bread
3-day grapefruit diet before the party
The grapefruit diet is very effective, although you may feel a bit hungry on the first day. You eat half a grapefruit (yellow or red) with each meal. Between meals you drink mineral water - a minimum of 1.5 liters a day. You can modify the following daily menu by replacing the egg with lean ham and the fish with turkey breast. Breakfast: 1/2 grapefruit, toast, tea or coffee without sugar (can be with milk) 2nd breakfast: 2 hard-boiled eggs, green cucumber or pepper, 1/2 grapefruit, natural yoghurt Lunch: sea fish baked in foil with 1/2 teaspoons of butter and dill, lettuce with olive oil and lemon, 1/2 grapefruit Tea: 1/2 grapefruit, fruit tea or water Dinner: 1/2 cup pasta with lean white cheese, herbs andspoon of olive oil, tomato, 1/2 grapefruit, tea
3-day vegetable diet before the party
You eat 3 hearty meals a day, they are based on vegetables (we recommend frozen food). During the day you drink a lot of lukewarm water, possibly with lemon juice. You can eat some fruit between meals.DAY 1Breakfast: soft-boiled egg, celery carrot salad, slice of bread Lunch: green pea cream soup, chicory salad with olive oil and herbs Dinner: lettuce with vinaigrette sauce, 2 slices of smoked salmonDAY 2Breakfast: cooked vegetable salad with a teaspoon of low-fat mayonnaise, a slice of bread Lunch: vegetable soup (no potatoes) seasoned with a little butter, with wholemeal bread croutons, tomato salad sprinkled with lemon juice Dinner: lettuce with olive oil sprinkled with a teaspoon of Parmesan cheese, 2 croutonsDAY 3Breakfast: treatment of frozen vegetables on a tablespoon of olive oil, 2 slices of ham, a slice of bread Lunch: mushroom soup with noodles, salad of pickled cucumbers Dinner: lettuce with garlic poured with yogurt, 2 croutons
monthly "Zdrowie"