When life with a great overweight ceased to make sense, and his son did not recognize him in the photo from years ago, when he was still slim, Adrian Lukoszek made the decision to lose weight. Starting the diet was not easy. But it worked. He has gained a new identity: a slim man. However, he admits that you are fat as an alcoholic for the rest of your life. Here is his recipe for success in losing weight.
Tarnowskie Góry. A beautiful Silesian town surrounded by greenery. Life goes on slowly and lazily here. Approx. 16 wonderful smells emanate from almost every home. Silesian women know how to tickle their men's palate. A roulade with dumplings, richly dipped in a thick sauce. Sour rye soup with meat or egg inlay. Red cabbage. On such adietit is difficult not to gain weight. All these dishes and many more are prepared by Iwona Lukoszek - Adrian's wife - in a masterly manner. After all, she is a professional cook. But her culinary talent didn't make heroverweight . She is as slim as chives, would still fit into her wedding dress from 17 years ago. Excessive appetite turned out to be her husband's death.
Maszkyty and a beer - the cause of obesity
- It all started quite innocently. From snacking - explains Adrian. - Maszkyty (Silesian delicacies - ed.) And a beer. Adrian has always liked to eat. Years ago, however, he could afford it. He prided himself on an excellent metabolism. When he lost his job as a supplier, he took up what he loved most - singing. He founded and to this day leads the Mirage Band, with which he performs at weddings, parties and local holidays. At each of these events, the hosts treat the artists with great pomp.
- Since I had a rule that we do not drink alcohol at work, they offered us what was best to eat, in bulk. And I, out of greed, and sometimes to boast about how much I could eat, put in those kilos of dishes. After coming home to relax, I had a beer, then another one, and I was hungry again. So I was eating again. Sausages, bacon, knuckle, and ribs. This is what I liked best. We didn't have to wait long for the effect - says Lukoszek.
So back and back and the size of his clothes kept growing and growing. Was unable to go anywhereweigh, so he checked the weight gain on the commodity weight. Finally, Iwona was unable to buy any items for him. Barbara, Lukoszka's sister, who lives in Germany, sent him several pairs of tracksuits. - That's just what I was in. Recently, I even appeared at my mother's family party in a tracksuit - he says.
Food has become an addiction
Adrian shows photos from less than 2 years ago and it's hard to believe that the man in the photo and the one who tells his story are the same person. The big guy behind the microphone weighed over 220 kg. His character barely fits in the frame. - Everyone told me that I was similar to Cugowski. We used to joke that I was his illegitimate brother. It tickled my vanity, gave me fans and did not motivate me tolose weightat all, says Adrian. And immediately he sighs. Because what his life was like! It made no sense. He only ate, drank beer and sat in front of the computer. He was unable to climb the stairs to the guest room in his own apartment! He even planned to make an elevator. The intimate life of Iwona and Adrian did not exist. "It wasn't even physical," admits his wife. "It's just that I kept punching pins on his head for what he was doing with his he alth, and he wasn't listening to me." We were arguing. Arguments about gluttony kept us apart. Then it got worse. - I got to such a weight that I couldn't fit into any of the cars we drove to the shows. When I was unable to get behind the wheel of the Transit, I realized that I had to change something - he says. But he didn't have the strength. After all, he was an addict. Any excuse was good for grabbing something to eat. He even tried to eat less, but then he went to the wedding again and devoured Christmas specials with the guests. "Now I know I didn't really want it." I was deceiving myself that I was doing something with myself, but it was not a real, inner resolution - he argues.
Mobilization for weight loss
It was only bursting when his 6-year-old son Kamil pointed to a photo from years ago while watching the family album. - Who is this gentleman? he asked. Adrian's heart ached. He almost passed out from the sensation. "It's me, son," he replied. - You do not recognize? The boy looked him straight in the eye and said, "Daddy, I wish you were as skinny again as the other kids' daddies in kindergarten."
Adrian only then looked at himself through the eyes of a child. He noticed that the situation was beyond him, that he let the child be ashamed of him in front of his friends. He decided he had to change. For Kamil, Patrick's older son, and for his wife, whom he loved more than his life, and he felt that for a stupid reason - being overweight - he could lose her.
Butone thing. The second thing is to put them into practice. Anyone who has ever lost weight understands what this man has fought with himself. Lose 120 kg in less than a year! Lukoszek will certainly be remembered by the Silesian doctors who he went to for the results of his weight loss tests. They just couldn't believe they were so good.
What about the vinegar?
The Internet is full of information about losing weight with the help of apple cider vinegar. Unfortunately, no studies have confirmed these properties. It is known, however, that it contains valuable substances, which include they strengthen the immune system and stimulate the metabolism. They also help to heal some skin inflammations.
The simplest recipe for success in losing weight
This recipe is extremely simple. Eat otherwise! He replaced fatty and fried foods with boiled and dietary ones, he completely put aside sweets and alcohol. He also started using apple cider vinegar. "It's my medicine," she says seriously. - It's also my drug. Instead of gobbling up, I drink the apple cider vinegar solution and the excessive appetite disappears as he takes away with his hand. He admits that he discovered this method by browsing the Internet. - It may sound irresponsible, but I have not consulted my diet with any doctor. I have internet, I have dug into he althy eating books and read a lot. Not about miracle diets, not about magical methods, but about what a person really needs to be he althy. On this basis, I was eliminating subsequent dishes. For example, instead of butter, he smeared bread with tomato paste. "It contains so much potassium that it supports weight loss," the man says. - That's how I came to perfection. I knew what I was allowed and what was not. The resolve in my head was so strong that I didn't even let the thought of quitting. Because in fact, there was only one wonderful piece of advice, which is nothing new. Adrian Lukoszek betrays her proudly: - Iron consistency!
And this vinegar … He admits that people looked at Lukoszek strangely when they bought a few bottles of apple cider vinegar as a spare in the supermarket. - He has become like healing water. I drank it 3 times a day. Today I do not feel that the taste is not the best. He acted on the nagging hunger like a magic wand. It still is - he adds. And he ensures that it is thanks to apple cider vinegar that the body had no problem with excess skin after weight loss. He adds that getting off that weight requires planning. There is no way that a man with such excess weight would go to the gym or perform murderous exercises. You should start by restricting your food intake, replacing it with less caloric foods. And the desire for physical movement will arise by itself. - Man themthe lighter, the more willingly he is ready to exercise - he convinces.
Successful annual weight loss
Then it was getting easier and easier. Adrian watched the pointer on the scale go down and down. - When the spectacular effects appeared, it was easier for me to continue fighting - he admits. He remembers today, when his wife took his "slim" clothes out of the wardrobe and wanted to give them back to the family, because even she did not fully believe in the success of her husband's weight loss. "Leave them," he replied then. And he pointed to the new shirt she had bought for him years ago. It was still in its original packaging. "She'll be good at me soon," he said with a certainty that he did not suspect himself of. Iwona did not want to irritate her husband, although she admits that she smiled sourly in spirit. Today this shirt is too big for Adrian. He had to replace most of his clothes with a much smaller one.
- I don't remember being thinner before the wedding than now - he laughs pleased. But he kept these big baggy things as a warning. He holds them and shows them, because someone who meets him today does not believe that he was once such a huge man. And he tells an anecdote. - My weight loss took almost a year, during this time we concluded a number of contracts. I was busy playing almost all weekends. Several times people, looking at me, protested that they were ordering a different band. They couldn't believe it was me, only 120 kg lighter. Unfortunately, no one compares me with Cugowski anymore - he smiles.
What has weight loss changed in his life?
- Everything - He shrugs and hugs his wife. - Just everything. I really started to live. There are people who live to eat and there are people who eat to live. Until recently, I belonged to the first category. Today I know how wrong I was. How many years have I lost … Now I ride a bike every day, run, kick a ball with my sons. My perception of the world changed one hundred and eighty degrees. The renovation of the stairs is no longer necessary. I run over them like a chase.
There was only one thing he was afraid of when he started to lose weight: losing his voice. - Luckily, nothing like that happened. It was just another excuse not to do anything with yourself, he says.
Now he gives advice to everyone who wants to change their lives. - They write to me, call me, come. I try to help everyone, although I am careful with young people. I do not know how such a murderous weight loss can affect a young body - he says.
Both women and men write to him. - I'm just talking about my experiences. After all, I'm not a dietitian. I advise as much as I can. And I know a lot, I went through it myself - he assures. Several publishers have even applied for a proposalwriting a guide. Lukoszek is in the process of writing. I want to share my experiences. People on the street accost him and congratulate him. Adrian admits that they see him as a successful man. - It's nice and mobilizing - he declares.
But there are also those who are just waiting for him to start gaining weight. When he and his wife went and bought sausage for their brother-in-law on the grill, a rumor spread around town that Lukoszek was "eating again". - Such jealous remarks hurt me, but I am consistent and only laugh at them - says Adrian. - I will stay fat in my soul for the rest of my life. This is the case with addicts. I'll always have to be careful. I don't know how my body would behave if I suddenly ate a piece of cake, ribs or even krupniok. That's why I'm not going to tempt fate. I know best what stake is at stake.
Slimming according to Adrian Lukoszek
» Think about why you really want to lose weight. Maybe you are not convinced at all. If that's the case, you'll never make it! You have to believe it, nobody will do it for you, and maybe even everyone will doubt.
» Write the pros and cons on the piece of paper. Give yourself time. You have to be ready for this resolution. A false start can only lead to a yo-yo effect.
» You need consistency. Work on it, find strength in yourself.
» Don't wait for a miracle. It's a process. Set a long-term weight loss period (set a goal - e.g. clothes you need to fit in), but enjoy small successes. Each subsequent fat meal refused is your victory.
» Put aside fatty meats, fried foods and sweets.
» Give up alcohol. At least in the beginning, and preferably forever. These are just empty calories, which increase the human appetite.
» Don't sweeten your coffee, tea; say goodbye to carton juices, instant juices, nectars. Sugar doesn't exist for you.
» Start eating well, but not fatty foods. Enjoy vegetables and fruits. Meat - only steamed or boiled. Find simple dietary foods that your body likes. You have to feel good, not suffer.
» Drink water with apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach, before lunch and dinner.
»Don't you dare too often . You yourself will feel that you are losing weight. When the needle on the scale does not move, you will only manage to "eat the sadness", give up.
» When you see your weight drop, start to move. It doesn't have to be a gym. If you like cycling, go for a ride at least once a day. Swim, jump, kick the ball - no matter what, but let it be a pleasure, not a duty. Notdo this for weight loss, just for fun.
» Change your approach to life. Start seeing things you haven't seen before. Get involved in something, do something that interests you to distract you from losing weight. It doesn't have to be a torment, it can't occupy all your thoughts.
» When the effect is visible, be proud of yourself and show off your appearance. Be among people and exercise willpower. Not eating in company toughens up! And nothing motivates a person more than a positive result and the admiration of strangers.
» Remember that you will become fat already and even if you have lost a lot, you have to be careful. You will never be able to indulge yourself again. The second time it is much easier to gain weight. Good luck!
Poradnikzdrowie.pl supports safe treatment and a dignified life of people suffering from obesity.
This article does not contain discriminatory and stigmatizing content for people suffering from obesity.