As the Americans announced, during the day we usually think not about sex, but about food. What's more - we are not aware of it. Usually, the impulse to think about food is not hunger, but external stimuli.

Researchers working at the American Cornell University decided to deal with only a seemingly trivial topic: how often do we actually think aboutfood ? The problem turned out to be much more serious than it might seem. 139 people answered orally this question. The result of their responses was not particularly impressive: the respondents thought about eating an average of 15 times a day.

Later, however, the same research participants were asked to complete extensive questionnaires in which their behavior was analyzed in detail. The results shocked the researchers. It turned out that during the day there are as many as 220 different situations or moments in which our mind deals with issues related to nutrition. And the fact that most of these thoughts are unconscious - to a large extent, external factors. Sometimes not directly related to the feeling ofhunger . Once again, it was confirmed that the size of the plates has a great influence on how large portions we eat. And the size of the glasses depends on how much we drink, so if you only care about rational nutrition, it is worth carefully analyzing your behavior andeating habits . It will turn out that we do not need to starve ourselves to lose weight. We need to realize what, when and how much we eat.

6 Ways To Kill Your Hunger He althy

Important supports safe treatment and a dignified life of people suffering from obesity. This article does not contain discriminatory and stigmatizing content of people suffering from obesity.
