Fibroadenoma is one of the most common benign breast tumors, occurring in young women between 18 and 30 years of age. It is also called fibroadenoma. The lesions are most often located in the upper outer part of the breast and are felt during self-examination as flexible, easily movable nodules, round or oval, several centimeters in diameter.
Tumors can be several cm in diameter, their size ranges from a pea to the size of a mandarin. In every fifth woman the lesion appears in the form of multiple nodules.Fibroidsare clearly distinguished from the surrounding tissues, their characteristic feature is also a rubbery and cohesive consistency. They generally do not lose their correct shapebreasts , they do not change their size during the menstrual cycle. Cases of a sudden increase in fibroadenoma, accompanied by pain, are rare and occur when there is a haemorrhage within the tumor. Changes of this type are only insignificantly associated with the risk of malignant neoplasm. The lumps may become malignant in 1-2%. cases. Compound fibroadenomas are associated with a slightly increased risk of cancer development, especially in elderly women from families with a history of or the incidence ofmalignant neoplasms .
Types of fibroadenomas
There are several types of fibroadenomas: simple (composed of glandular-fibrous tissue), complex (composed of gland-fibrous tissue and other proliferative changes, i.e. breast proliferative changes, such as adenosis, hyperplasia, giant (they grow to large sizes larger than 5 cm in a short time and they may distort the breast).
Causes of fibroadenomas
The reasons for these changes are not fully known. Hormonal disorders that occur in the body of a woman of childbearing age are given the most likely risk. Fibrous adenomas are formed under the influence of a large amount of estrogens, as a result of the growth of fibrous connective tissue and, to a lesser extent, the epithelium of the mammary gland. They most often regress after the menopause, although they can occur in women taking hormone replacement therapy.
fibroadenomas - symptoms
They are usually detected accidentally, women who do self-examination can detect them themselves. Only in some cases can they cause pain during pressure, but it can also be a long-term pain. Pregnancy, hormone replacement therapy, and hormonal contraception promote faster tumor growth.
In women under 40, the majority (80%) of fibroadenomas do not change their size, approx. 15% may decrease or disappear, and the remaining (5-10%) may increase.
Diagnosis of fibroadenomas
In patients under 25 years of age, ultrasound or biopsy is recommended after absolute palpation, but this is when the image of fibroadenoma does not seem typical and there are risk factors for breast cancer. In patients over 25 years of age. Similarly, after palpation, ultrasound is performed, but at this age it is not sufficient evidence to diagnose fibroadenoma, similarly to fine-needle biopsy, therefore a core-needle biopsy is recommended.
Treatment of fibroadenomas
Therapy, like diagnostics, depends primarily on the age of a woman. Some doctors believe that in patients under 25 years of age it is not necessary to remove the lesion, unless at the patient's request. However, observation is recommended - palpation and ultrasound examination every 3-6 months. However, some doctors believe that regardless of the age of a woman, they should be removed because they may start to grow, e.g. during pregnancy or hormonal contraception, but even removing the lesion does not guarantee that this benign neoplasm will not appear in the future. In the case of patients over 25 years of age, there are similar recommendations, although more doctors here are inclined to remove the lesions.
ImportantHowever, there are several situations in which fibroadenomas require surgical removal:
- increasing change
- initial tumor size greater than 4 cm
- tumor causes breast asymmetry
- there is a suspicion that the change is malicious
- woman feels pain related to the tumor
The tumor removal procedure is performed under local or general anesthesia, it lasts from 45 minutes. by Can be performed as part of one-day surgery.