Papillomas of the breast are a benign breast cancer, i.e. one that does not threaten a woman's life. However, this does not mean that medical intervention is not needed. In rare cases, the papilloma may become malignant, so it should be removed as soon as possible. What are the causes and symptoms of a breast papilloma? What is the operation?
Breast papilloma , specifically intraductal breast papilloma (Latinpapilloma intraductale mammae ) is a benign breast cancer that affects the milk ducts. Benign breast cancer is one that does not infiltrate (penetrate between cells of normal tissue) and metastasize to other organs, i.e. it does not develop in organs distant from the breast.
Breast papillomas - causes
The causes and risk factors for developing breast papilloma are unknown. It has only been noted that it is most often diagnosed in women between the ages of 35 and 55.
Breast papillomas - symptoms
- nodule
- most often single - small (most lesions have a diameter not exceeding 1 cm) - located behind the nipple or around the circumference of the breast. In turn, multiple papillomas (clusters of small nodules) are usually located in the ducts away from the nipple
Breast papilloma is most often responsible for the discharge of bloody discharge from the nipple
- leakage of clear or bloody discharge from the nipple - spontaneous, and also when trying to compress the nipple
- retracted nipple (rarely)
However, it should be borne in mind that small changes may not be noticeable.
ImportantBreast papilloma can become malignant
Papilloma is a benign neoplastic lesion, but there is a risk of its malignancy - fortunately small. Research shows that the risk is higher with multiple papillomas - those that have formed in several places at once. Young women are most often affected. In menopausal women, only a single change is usually detected.
Papillomas of the breast - diagnosis
The doctor performs ultrasound (ultrasound) or mammography of the breast and galactography (MGR) - this is an imaging test that is performed after introducing a contrast agent into the tube from which it extractsbloody discharge.
In some centers, it is also possible to perform ductoscopy, which involves the endoscopy of large milk ducts. In addition, a cytological examination of the nipple discharge is ordered. The treatment consists of surgical removal of the milk duct occupied by the papilloma. GOOD TO KNOW>>Breast cancer - types. Treatment depends on the type of breast cancer
Then the fragments of the removed tumor are sent to the laboratory for histopathological examination, which will exclude breast cancer (sometimes the cause of the bloody discharge is a breast cancer). According to the research, one in 20 women who noticed bloody discharge from the nipple has a malignant tumor of the breast. Papilloma of the breast - important prophylaxis How to detect a breast papilloma as early as possible? Regular breast self-examinations should be performed. Every woman should carefully examine her breasts once a month (at the same time of the menstrual cycle) and report any disturbing changes to her gynecologist. Women over 40 should also regularly perform breast ultrasound. CHECK>>Breast self-examination - how to self-examine the breasts? Breast papillomas - treatment
Watch the video to know how to do breast self-examination