Colorectal cancer is called the silent killer, but when detected early it is 100% curable. In Poland, colorectal cancer is one of the most common, but unfortunately too late diagnosed neoplasms.
Colorectal canceris one of the most commonmalignant neoplasms- it is the second killer among them (after breast cancer in women and lung cancer in men) . In Europe, 400,000 are diagnosed annually. new cases, and over 200 thousand. the sick die at that time.
Every year the diagnosis - colorectal cancer - hears about 12 thousand. Poles. Only 13% of our society is aware of the risk of this disease, and over 80% do not know about screening tests or do not report the symptoms to the doctor, often because of embarrassment (as many as 77% of Poles consider this disease as embarrassing!). In terms of treatment effects ofcolorectal cancer , Poland is one of the last places in Europe. It is caused by errors in diagnosis, wrong choice of treatment and little knowledge of patients about this disease.
Public awareness of colorectal cancer
We know that the consistent awareness of the society is an important element in the fight against colorectal cancer. So far, we had some suspicions that Poles know little about this disease (only 4% of respondents are aware of how serious the disease is!). However, we did not know in which areas this knowledge is the most poor and, therefore, where we should focus our educational activities. That is why, using the March celebration of the Colon Cancer Awareness Month, we conducted a public awareness study in this field. Their results terrified us - admits Elżbieta Rybicka, Managing Director of Europacolon Polska.
You must do itScreening
You should come to the test:
- all people aged 50-65 without symptoms of colorectal cancer
- people aged 40-65 without symptoms of colorectal cancer, having at least one relative I ° in the family (parents, siblings, children) with colorectal cancer
- people aged 25-65 from the HNPCC or FAP family (with a confirmed genetic burden).
Results of the public awareness survey
By analyzing the results of the public awareness survey about this disease, you canstate that Poles are uninformed and self-conscious about this subject, but at the same time are open to treatment and preventive examinations.
- The high mortality rate from colorectal cancer is completely unnoticeable in society. The most dangerous are cancers about which high-profile social campaigns are conducted - breast, lung and cervical cancer.
- Awareness of the existence of an early detection program for this disease is negligible - only 4% of our society knows about it (slightly better - 11% - among people with higher education). The vast majority of Poles over 50 (66%) are interested in having a free screening test (colonoscopy).
- At the same time, the vast majority of respondents are convinced that early detection of this disease can significantly reduce mortality (and allow for full recovery).
- GPs are not interested in introducing their patients to the subject of diagnosis and prevention of this disease. Only 15% of respondents discussed this with their doctor.
In Poland, the Europacolon Polska Association (the Association for Patients with Colon Cancer) has been operating since 2007, which is part of the international patient organization Europacolon.
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- The conclusions of the survey confirmed the need to familiarize our society with the issues related to colorectal cancer. This is a priority task for us, because without education we will not be able to fulfill the mission of the association, that is, to reduce mortality among the sick - says Rybicka. - We decided to start by disseminating knowledge about screening tests aimed at early detection of the disease.